2016-06-06 18:52:55
I get the compressed sac file. Then, following the instructions on the email I decompress the sofware but install is a problem for me. Ubuntu makes me no easy install the software as expected on /usr/local/ the reason is, I guess, the permitions to work with folders on this part of the system. It is possible to install and work with the software on another path? for example /home/ewm/? I try to do this way, I modify the .sh script but when I run sac from the terminal I been ask to install this software using apt-get install, is this appropriate or I am doing something so wrong?
2016-06-06 21:06:12
Hugo Loyola wrote:
I get the compressed sac file. Then, following the instructions on the
I have installed in the opt directory
email I decompress the sofware but install is a problem for me. Ubuntu
makes me no easy install the software as expected on /usr/local/ the
reason is, I guess, the permitions to work with folders on this part of
the system. It is possible to install and work with the software on
another path? for example /home/ewm/? I try to do this way, I modify the
.sh script but when I run sac from the terminal I been ask to install this
software using apt-get install, is this appropriate or I am doing
something so wrong?
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mv SAC /opt
gedit .bashrc
export SACHOME=/opt/sac
export PATH=${PATH}:${SACHOME}/bin
export SACAUX=${SACHOME}/aux
source .bashrc
enjoy !
Ing. Cristobal Condori
Asistente de Investigación
Subdirección de Ciencias de la Tierra Sólida-SCTS
Instituto Geofísico del Perú
Calle Calatrava N° 216 Urb. Camino Real-La Molina
La Molina - Cod. Postal 12
Teléfono: (511)317-2300 Anexo:146
Milton Plasencia
2016-06-07 04:07:02see below..
On Jun 6, 2016, at 20:52, Hugo Loyola <hugoe.loyolat<at>gmail.com> wrote:
Yes, absolutely yes, you can install sac software in /home/ewm
I get the compressed sac file. Then, following the instructions on the email I decompress the sofware but install is a problem for me. Ubuntu makes me no easy install the software as expected on /usr/local/ the reason is, I guess, the permitions to work with folders on this part of the system. It is possible to install and work with the software on another path?
for example /home/ewm/?
For example in my Centos Box, i have sac installed in /home/milton/Soft/sac
I try to do this way, I modify the .sh script but when I run sac from the terminal I been ask to install this software using apt-get install, is this appropriate or I am doing something so wrong?
in my ~/.bashrc have the lines:
# SAC Environment variables
export SACHOME=$HOME/Soft/sac
. ${SACHOME}/bin/sacinit.sh
my sacinit.sh file contains (the principal part):
# Initialize the SAC Environment (only SACHOME may need to be changed)
export SACHOME=$HOME/Soft/sac
export PATH=${PATH}:${SACHOME}/bin
export SACAUX=${SACHOME}/aux
SAC Help (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/)
Sent via IRIS Message Center (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/)
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