Thread: Please, does anybody have experience installing SAC software on Ubuntu?

Started: 2016-06-06 18:52:55
Last activity: 2016-06-07 04:07:02
Topics: SAC Help
I get the compressed sac file. Then, following the instructions on the email I decompress the sofware but install is a problem for me. Ubuntu makes me no easy install the software as expected on /usr/local/ the reason is, I guess, the permitions to work with folders on this part of the system. It is possible to install and work with the software on another path? for example /home/ewm/? I try to do this way, I modify the .sh script but when I run sac from the terminal I been ask to install this software using apt-get install, is this appropriate or I am doing something so wrong?

  • Hugo Loyola wrote:
    I get the compressed sac file. Then, following the instructions on the
    email I decompress the sofware but install is a problem for me. Ubuntu
    makes me no easy install the software as expected on /usr/local/ the
    reason is, I guess, the permitions to work with folders on this part of
    the system. It is possible to install and work with the software on
    another path? for example /home/ewm/? I try to do this way, I modify the
    .sh script but when I run sac from the terminal I been ask to install this
    software using apt-get install, is this appropriate or I am doing
    something so wrong?

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    I have installed in the opt directory

    mv SAC /opt
    gedit .bashrc
    export SACHOME=/opt/sac
    export PATH=${PATH}:${SACHOME}/bin
    export SACAUX=${SACHOME}/aux

    source .bashrc

    enjoy !


    Ing. Cristobal Condori
    Asistente de Investigación
    Subdirección de Ciencias de la Tierra Sólida-SCTS
    Instituto Geofísico del Perú
    Calle Calatrava N° 216 Urb. Camino Real-La Molina
    La Molina - Cod. Postal 12
    Teléfono: (511)317-2300 Anexo:146

  • see below..

    On Jun 6, 2016, at 20:52, Hugo Loyola <hugoe.loyolat<at>> wrote:

    I get the compressed sac file. Then, following the instructions on the email I decompress the sofware but install is a problem for me. Ubuntu makes me no easy install the software as expected on /usr/local/ the reason is, I guess, the permitions to work with folders on this part of the system. It is possible to install and work with the software on another path?
    Yes, absolutely yes, you can install sac software in /home/ewm
    for example /home/ewm/?

    I try to do this way, I modify the .sh script but when I run sac from the terminal I been ask to install this software using apt-get install, is this appropriate or I am doing something so wrong?

    For example in my Centos Box, i have sac installed in /home/milton/Soft/sac
    in my ~/.bashrc have the lines:

    # SAC Environment variables
    export SACHOME=$HOME/Soft/sac
    . ${SACHOME}/bin/

    my file contains (the principal part):

    # Initialize the SAC Environment (only SACHOME may need to be changed)
    export SACHOME=$HOME/Soft/sac
    export PATH=${PATH}:${SACHOME}/bin
    export SACAUX=${SACHOME}/aux



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16:27:57 v.af9cd46b