Thread: Changes to the Early Careers mailing list

Started: 2016-06-07 22:02:36
Last activity: 2016-06-07 22:02:36
Topics: Early Careers
IRIS Webmaster
2016-06-07 22:02:36
Hello Early Careers subscribers,

In order to allow you to better tailor the messages you receive from IRIS, the earlycareers<at> mailing list has moved to a new system.

The email address for this list is now:

In the future, send email to this address to post to this list.

The main change in the new system is that you now have a centralized login for all IRIS mailing lists, accessible at

If you want to remain subscribed to this list, you don't need to do anything. You need to log into the website only if you want to change your subscriptions.

Before logging into the website for the first time, you will need to sign up:

1. Go to and enter your email address.
2. The system will validate your email address by emailing you a link. Clicking on the link confirms that you are the owner of the email address.
3. You will be directed to an introductory page with links to set a password or set up a connected account.

A "connected account" is an external account that you can use to log in to IRIS instead of setting a password. This is more secure -- IRIS never sees your password or any other private information -- and eliminates the need for another password to memorize. We currently support logging in via Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Yahoo, and OpenID.

Once you are logged in, you can manage all IRIS subscriptions at

Please contact us at webmaster<at> if you have any problems or concerns.

The IRIS mailing list developers

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