Thread: Now Accepting Applications!! 2016 SCEC-ERI-DPRI International Summer School on Earthquake Science

Started: 2016-06-20 17:04:06
Last activity: 2016-06-20 17:04:06
Topics: Other Meetings
Forwarded on behalf of:
Tran T. Huynh
Southern California Earthquake Center

*** 2016 SCEC-ERI-DPRI International Summer School on Earthquake Science ***

The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), the Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo (ERI), and the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) at Kyoto University will host a Summer School in Earthquake Science July 24 through 27, 2016 at Lake Arrowhead Resort in California. The theme for the Summer School will be “Large crustal earthquakes: fault geometry, dynamic rupture, and strong ground motion”. The summer school program will be a combination of lectures and hands-on exercises, led by experts in earthquake seismology, ground motion prediction, rupture and wave propagation, earthquake source parameterization, active tectonics, quantitative structural geology and geomorphology. The program is divided into three sessions:

DAY 1 will focus on “Ambient-field measurements for ground motion prediction.” We will cover the generation of the ambient seismic field; measurements and sources of bias; applications for recovering site response in complex structural environments; and direct estimation of ground motion.

DAY 2 focuses on “High-resolution topographic imaging of faulting and earthquake deformation,” including recent advances in high-resolution topographic imaging, its potential for improving mapping of fault zones, and topographic differencing. We will emphasize the use of topographic differencing to improve understanding of the near field displacements along recent significant earthquakes (e.g. faulting and deformation in the M7.2 El Mayor Cucupah and M 7.0 Kumamoto, Japan earthquake sequence) and its potential for the study of continental faulting more generally. The hands-on exercises will be a “light” version of the established OpenTopography short course.

DAY 3 will be a half-day session exploring the progress in understanding geometric fault complexity – characterizing non-planar faulting and accounting for its effects on earthquake dynamics and the generation of strong ground motion. Capabilities from the first two sessions of the summer school will inform this session

We especially encourage PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to apply. The number of participants is limited to 40. For those selected to participate, SCEC will cover room and board. A limited number of travel support grants will be provided (1) by SCEC for selected participants from U.S. universities and (2) by ERI/DPRI for selected participants from Japan.

APPLICATION DUE DATE: Applications received by June 30, 2016 (Pacific Time) will be considered.

Apply online at:

For more information, see the summer school website:

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