2016-07-11 17:00:06
Please, see the page 34 in the sac manual version pdf.
The “change" inline function and others (six) exits in 101.6, please check the syntax, perhaps
in your macro the change command is not recognized..
I include a page 34 of manual..
Please, see the page 34 in the sac manual version pdf.
The “change" inline function and others (six) exits in 101.6, please check the syntax, perhaps
in your macro the change command is not recognized..
I include a page 34 of manual..
On Jul 11, 2016, at 02:28, Martha Savage <Martha.Savage<at>vuw.ac.nz> wrote:
I thought I sent this message a couple weeks ago, but I didn't hear any replies so maybe it went to the wrong person.
I'm trying to get a script working that worked in the old versions of sac (before 101.5 I believe). It uses an option called CHANGE in the setbb command. Here is the relevant part of the script.
do file wild *.z
setbb vert $file
setbb east '( CHANGE '.z' '.e' %vert )'
setbb north '( CHANGE '.z' '.n' %vert )'
setbb rad '( CHANGE '.z' '.r' %vert )'
setbb tran '( CHANGE '.z' '.t' %vert )'
r %vert %east %north
w over
Basically, CHANGE allowed one to operate on strings within the setbb command so that the new names east, north, rad, tran etc. now refer to the file.e, file.n, file.r, etc. files.
This option is explained in the SAC book written by George Helffrich.
101.6a does not recognize the "CHANGE" part of it. I know I can work around it by using a bash script to do a similar thing, and invoke SAC for each file. However, the old method is more satisfying because I don't need the overhead of invoking sac each time, which will take longer and hog system time.
Does anybody know of a way to manipulate strings from within SAC now?
I tried to look on the sac-help page because I thought it might have been discussed before after the changes to 101.6a. But there didn't seem to be any way to search the mails, except to browse each topic by clicking on each month since the start of 101.6a and reading all the topics.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Martha Savage
Professor of Geophysics, SGEES
Victoria University of Wellington
Cotton 529
Box 600, wellington, 6140
New Zealand
Email: Martha.Savage<at>vuw.ac.nz <Martha.Savage<at>vuw.ac.nz>
Phone: +64-4-463-5961
Cell: 021-262-7516
From: sac-help<at>iris.washington.edu <sac-help<at>iris.washington.edu> on behalf of Milton Plasencia <mpplasencia<at>gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 8 June 2016 4:36 p.m.
To: SAC Help
Subject: Re: [sac-help] Trying to install SAC in Ubuntu
let see your steps:
See below
On Jun 8, 2016, at 03:46, Hugo Loyola <hugoe.loyolat<at>gmail.com <hugoe.loyolat<at>gmail.com>> wrote:OK
I am doing as follows:
#The first step is to expand the .tar.gz file
#and I get thisOK
# /home/hugo/Sismos/sac
#at the ~/sac/bin I have filesUbuntu, as other Linux use bash shell, so you must use sacinit.sh
#sacinit.csh and sacinit.sh
remember that sacinit.sh must have executable permission, so in the directory /home/hugo/Sismos/sac/bin run the command:
chmod +x sacinit.sh
#the README instructions say: ... and the sacinit file is modified accordingly.Depending where was untar the the distribution
#In the bin folder I have sacinit.csh and sacinit.sh, in these two files I did:not will be used, setenv is used in other Unix systems (Sun etc)
setenv SACHOME /home/hugo/Sismos/sac #at sacinit.csh
export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac #at sacinit.shOK, but here also you must also set the other variables as my anterior e-mail, in your case
export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac
export PATH=${PATH}:${SACHOME}/bin
export SACAUX=${SACHOME}/aux
#then gedit ~/.cshrc adding the linesBad
setenv SACHOME /home/hugo/Sismos/sacreplace by:
export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac
source ${SACHOME}/bin/sacinit.cshreplace by:
source ${SACHOME}/bin/sacinit.sh
source /home/hugo/Sismos/sac/bin/sacinit.sh
#After saving and exiting the file, enterOK.
source ~/.cshrc
#and happen this:Correct, your Linux not known the setenv command
No command 'setenv' found, did you mean:
Command 'netenv' from package 'netenv' (universe)The same as anterior
setenv: command not found
bash: /bin/sacinit.csh: No such file or directoryperhaps sacinit.csh is not executable, but you must to use sacinit.sh
#also I did:OK
gedit ~/.bashrc
#and add to last the lines:
export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac
. ${SACHOME}/bin/sacinit.shOK, but between the dot and $ must be a blank
#then saving and exiting the fileAlso here . ~/.bashrc
#then . ~/.bashrc
#and happenHere or sacinit.sh is not in the PATH or it is not executable.
bash: ./home/hugo/Sismos/sac/bin/sacinit.sh: No such file or directory
After all these steps, still I do not get SAC working, please, any suggestions
SAC Help (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/)
Sent via IRIS Message Center (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/)
Update subscription preferences at http://ds.iris.edu/account/profile/
Geo .
2016-07-11 14:18:18Dear Martha,
There is a simple syntax change in later versions of SAC. You can do the following modification to your macro and get it to run as before. Simply, get rid of the first pair of quotes. The following piece of macro works just fine.
do file wild *_LHZ.VEL.SAC
setbb vert $file
setbb rad (CHA '_LHZ.' '_RADIAL.' %vert)
getbb rad
setbb tran (CHA '_LHZ.' '_TRANSVERSE.' %vert)
getbb tran
r %vert %rad %tran
color on inc l red blue green
Geo .
2016-07-11 19:15:16Dear Martha,
There is a simple syntax change in later versions of SAC. You can do the
following modification to your macro and get it to run as before. Simply,
get rid of the first pair of quotes. The following macro works just fine.
do file wild *_LHZ.VEL.SAC
setbb vert $file
setbb rad (CHA '_LHZ.' '_RADIAL.' %vert)
getbb rad
setbb tran (CHA '_LHZ.' '_TRANSVERSE.' %vert)
getbb tran
r %vert %rad %tran
color on inc l red blue green
Januka Attanayake
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Institut für Geophysik
Westfälische Wilhelms - Universität Münster
CorrensstraBe 24
48149 Münster
University email: jattanayake<at>uni-muenster.de
Homepage: http://sites.google.com/site/janukaattanayake/
On 11 July 2016 at 10:01, Milton Plasencia <mpplasencia<at>gmail.com> wrote:
Please, see the page 34 in the sac manual version pdf.
The “change" inline function and others (six) exits in 101.6, please check
the syntax, perhaps
in your macro the change command is not recognized..
I include a page 34 of manual..
On Jul 11, 2016, at 02:28, Martha Savage <Martha.Savage<at>vuw.ac.nz> wrote:
I thought I sent this message a couple weeks ago, but I didn't hear any
replies so maybe it went to the wrong person.
I'm trying to get a script working that worked in the old versions of sac
(before 101.5 I believe). It uses an option called CHANGE in the setbb
command. Here is the relevant part of the script.
do file wild *.z
setbb vert $file
setbb east '( CHANGE '.z' '.e' %vert )'
setbb north '( CHANGE '.z' '.n' %vert )'
setbb rad '( CHANGE '.z' '.r' %vert )'
setbb tran '( CHANGE '.z' '.t' %vert )'
r %vert %east %north
w over
Basically, CHANGE allowed one to operate on strings within the setbb
command so that the new names east, north, rad, tran etc. now refer to the
file.e, file.n, file.r, etc. files.
This option is explained in the SAC book written by George Helffrich.
101.6a does not recognize the "CHANGE" part of it. I know I can work
around it by using a bash script to do a similar thing, and invoke SAC for
each file. However, the old method is more satisfying because I don't need
the overhead of invoking sac each time, which will take longer and hog
system time.
Does anybody know of a way to manipulate strings from within SAC now?
I tried to look on the sac-help page because I thought it might have been
discussed before after the changes to 101.6a. But there didn't seem to be
any way to search the mails, except to browse each topic by clicking on
each month since the start of 101.6a and reading all the topics.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Martha Savage
Professor of Geophysics, SGEES
Victoria University of Wellington
Cotton 529
Box 600, wellington, 6140
New Zealand
Email: Martha.Savage<at>vuw.ac.nz
Phone: +64-4-463-5961
Cell: 021-262-7516
*From:* sac-help<at>iris.washington.edu <sac-help<at>iris.washington.edu> on
behalf of Milton Plasencia <mpplasencia<at>gmail.com>
*Sent:* Wednesday, 8 June 2016 4:36 p.m.
*To:* SAC Help
*Subject:* Re: [sac-help] Trying to install SAC in Ubuntu
let see your steps:
See below
On Jun 8, 2016, at 03:46, Hugo Loyola <hugoe.loyolat<at>gmail.com> wrote:
I am doing as follows:
#The first step is to expand the .tar.gz file
#and I get this
# /home/hugo/Sismos/sac
#at the ~/sac/bin I have files
#sacinit.csh and sacinit.sh
Ubuntu, as other Linux use bash shell, so you must use sacinit.sh
remember that sacinit.sh must have executable permission, so in the
directory /home/hugo/Sismos/sac/bin run the command:
chmod +x sacinit.sh
#the README instructions say: ... and the sacinit file is modified
Depending where was untar the the distribution
#In the bin folder I have sacinit.csh and sacinit.sh, in these two files I
setenv SACHOME /home/hugo/Sismos/sac #at sacinit.csh
not will be used, setenv is used in other Unix systems (Sun etc)
export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac #at sacinit.sh
OK, but here also you must also set the other variables as my anterior
e-mail, in your case
export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac
export PATH=${PATH}:${SACHOME}/bin
export SACAUX=${SACHOME}/aux
#then gedit ~/.cshrc adding the lines
setenv SACHOME /home/hugo/Sismos/sac
replace by:
export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac
source ${SACHOME}/bin/sacinit.csh
replace by:
source ${SACHOME}/bin/sacinit.sh
source /home/hugo/Sismos/sac/bin/sacinit.sh
#After saving and exiting the file, enter
source ~/.cshrc
#and happen this:
No command 'setenv' found, did you mean:
Correct, your Linux not known the setenv command
Command 'netenv' from package 'netenv' (universe)
setenv: command not found
The same as anterior
bash: /bin/sacinit.csh: No such file or directory
perhaps sacinit.csh is not executable, but you must to use sacinit.sh
#also I did:
gedit ~/.bashrc
#and add to last the lines:
export SACHOME=/home/hugo/Sismos/sac
. ${SACHOME}/bin/sacinit.sh
OK, but between the dot and $ must be a blank
#then saving and exiting the file
#then . ~/.bashrc
Also here . ~/.bashrc
#and happen
bash: ./home/hugo/Sismos/sac/bin/sacinit.sh: No such file or directory
Here or sacinit.sh is not in the PATH or it is not executable.
After all these steps, still I do not get SAC working, please, any
SAC Help (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/)
Sent via IRIS Message Center (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/)
Update subscription preferences at http://ds.iris.edu/account/profile/
SAC Help (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/topic/sac-help/)
Sent via IRIS Message Center (http://ds.iris.edu/message-center/)
Update subscription preferences at http://ds.iris.edu/account/profile/