Thread: AGU 2016 Session: "Frontiers in uncertainty estimation in geophysical inversion"

Started: 2016-07-13 00:36:28
Last activity: 2016-07-13 00:36:28
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We welcome your contributions to the following co-organized AGU session for
the 2016 fall meeting:

“Frontiers of uncertainty estimation in geophysical inversion”

Geophysicists routinely apply inversion methods to produce information
about the spatial and temporal variability of earth properties that are
described by parameters of a model. Such models are often used to shed
light on various earth processes of interest. However, incomplete and noisy
data, subjective processing and inversion choices, approximate theory and
nonlinear physics lead to model uncertainty. Therefore, inferring robust
conclusions from geophysical models requires rigorous uncertainty
assessment. Probabilistic descriptions of geophysical models that are
consistent with the observed data are of great practical value across
various disciplines. For instance, how certain are we of a geophysically
inferred post-earthquake tsunami, buried unexploded ordnance, economic
resource or chemical contaminant? To answer such questions, inversion
methods that make quantitative choices of both model physics and
parameterization are required. We invite submissions on theoretical
advances and practical applications of uncertainty estimation in inversion
across all fields of solid earth geophysics.


Anandaroop Ray, Chevron Geophysics R&D

Jan Dettmer, University of Calgary

Kerry Key, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego

Niklas Linde, University of Lausanne


Louise Pellerin, Green Geophysics

Vedran Lekic, University of Maryland

Invited presenters: To be announced later, given AGU’s new 2016 policy

Abstracts can be submitted at till 23:59 EDT on August

We look forward to your contributions and hope to see you in San Francisco!

Anand, Jan, Kerry, Niklas, Louise and Ved

Anandaroop Ray, PhD

Chevron Geophysics R&D

1500 Louisiana Street

Houston, Texas 77002

Tel: +1 832 854 2558

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