Thread: Possible SAC 101.6a bug

Started: 2016-07-20 00:01:33
Last activity: 2016-07-22 18:11:47
Topics: SAC Help
Robert Wagner
2016-07-20 00:01:33
Dear SAC Users,

I have observed a possible bug in SAC version 101.6a for Linux (on Ubuntu 14.04) when reading a SAC file that starts with the letters "IB" or "ib" (case does not matter). The error message is "ERROR 1301: No data files read in." This occurs for any SAC file starting with these letters regardless of byte swapping which is not surrounded by quote marks. For example, the following command and output are observed:

SAC> r IBDR.BHN.2009.323.06.00.00.SAC
ERROR 1301: No data files read in.

But when single or double quotes surround the filename, SAC is able to read in the file OK. If the filename is changed so it does not start with "IB" (without quotes), then there is no problem reading it in. For example, if the filename is change to IC or CB, then SAC will read it in OK.

Perhaps this is related to the bash environment since quoting the filename works. But it seems like it could be bug in SAC also.

Any help would be appreciated.


Robert Wagner

Geophysical Data Analyst

Array Information Technology, Inc.

7474 Greenway Center Dr., Suite 600

Greenbelt, MD 20770-3504

ph: (301) 329-2767 (direct)

ph: (301) 345-8188 ext. 1153

fax: (240) 331-4273

e-mail: robert.wagner<at>

  • Brian Savage
    2016-07-22 03:00:44
    Dear Robert

    I can confirm this odd behavior and will look into tomorrow.


    On Jul 21, 2016, at 7:39 PM, Robert Wagner <robert.wagner<at>> wrote:

    Dear SAC Users,

    I have observed a possible bug in SAC version 101.6a for Linux (on Ubuntu 14.04) when reading a SAC file that starts with the letters "IB" or "ib" (case does not matter). The error message is "ERROR 1301: No data files read in." This occurs for any SAC file starting with these letters regardless of byte swapping which is not surrounded by quote marks. For example, the following command and output are observed:

    SAC> r IBDR.BHN.2009.323.06.00.00.SAC
    ERROR 1301: No data files read in.

    But when single or double quotes surround the filename, SAC is able to read in the file OK. If the filename is changed so it does not start with "IB" (without quotes), then there is no problem reading it in. For example, if the filename is change to IC or CB, then SAC will read it in OK.

    Perhaps this is related to the bash environment since quoting the filename works. But it seems like it could be bug in SAC also.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Robert Wagner

    Geophysical Data Analyst

    Array Information Technology, Inc.

    7474 Greenway Center Dr., Suite 600

    Greenbelt, MD 20770-3504

    ph: (301) 329-2767 (direct)

    ph: (301) 345-8188 ext. 1153

    fax: (240) 331-4273
    e-mail: robert.wagner<at>

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  • Brian Savage
    2016-07-22 18:11:47
    Dear Robert,

    This is a bug in the current version of sac (101.6a)

    As you suggest, workarounds are:
    - surround the file name with quotes
    - change the filename
    - append a path to the filename ./IBDR.BHN.2009.323.06.00.00.SAC

    sac is interpreting the filename as a keyword to read (it should not have). I have a fix that will be available in the next version of sac.


    On Jul 21, 2016, at 7:39 PM, Robert Wagner wrote:

    Dear SAC Users,

    I have observed a possible bug in SAC version 101.6a for Linux (on Ubuntu 14.04) when reading a SAC file that starts with the letters "IB" or "ib" (case does not matter). The error message is "ERROR 1301: No data files read in." This occurs for any SAC file starting with these letters regardless of byte swapping which is not surrounded by quote marks. For example, the following command and output are observed:

    SAC> r IBDR.BHN.2009.323.06.00.00.SAC
    ERROR 1301: No data files read in.

    But when single or double quotes surround the filename, SAC is able to read in the file OK. If the filename is changed so it does not start with "IB" (without quotes), then there is no problem reading it in. For example, if the filename is change to IC or CB, then SAC will read it in OK.

    Perhaps this is related to the bash environment since quoting the filename works. But it seems like it could be bug in SAC also.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Robert Wagner
    Geophysical Data Analyst
    Array Information Technology, Inc.
    7474 Greenway Center Dr., Suite 600
    Greenbelt, MD 20770-3504
    ph: (301) 329-2767 (direct)
    ph: (301) 345-8188 ext. 1153
    fax: (240) 331-4273
    e-mail: robert.wagner<at>

    SAC Help (

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