Thread: Rebuild sac for 10000 traces

Started: 2016-07-26 22:01:33
Last activity: 2016-07-26 22:01:33
Topics: SAC Help
Karen Assatourians
2016-07-26 22:01:33

I am having some event files carrying over 1000 time series. I need to read them in sac and apply basic corrections to them at once. But my compiled version of sac does not read over 1000 records. Would you please help me with steps required for adjusting this number to any number (in all required spots of source code) ? I am running virtual CentOS7 and have received both compiled and source codes for SAC 101.6a about two years ago.

Thank you,

Karen Assatourians

  • Brian Savage
    2016-07-26 19:41:59
    Dear Karen,

    The limit of 1000 files is hard wired into the source code and is difficult / tricky to change easily.

    You can likely process each file individually if you are doing basic corrections. This can be accomplished using scripting directly in sac or wrapping sac in a shell script or scripting language.


    On Jul 26, 2016, at 12:21 PM, Karen Assatourians <kassatou<at>> wrote:


    I am having some event files carrying over 1000 time series. I need to read them in sac and apply basic corrections to them at once. But my compiled version of sac does not read over 1000 records. Would you please help me with steps required for adjusting this number to any number (in all required spots of source code) ? I am running virtual CentOS7 and have received both compiled and source codes for SAC 101.6a about two years ago.

    Thank you,
    Karen Assatourians

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