Thread: Post-doc positions at Sao Paulo University, Brazil

Started: 2016-08-07 15:34:43
Last activity: 2016-08-07 15:34:43
2016-08-07 15:34:43
Two postdoc positions are available at the Seismological Center of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, within a multi-national project to investigate crustal and upper mantle structure and geodynamics on the intraplate Pantanal, Chaco and Paraná Basins in South America. An overview of the research project can be seen at

Preference will be given to candidates with previous experience in the two research lines:

PD1) “Seismicity and Focal Mechanisms”

A PostDoc is needed to supervize analyses of the small earthquakes that will be recorded during the 4-year project, both by the permanent Brazilian Seismic Network as well as by the temporary stations. Following topics could be developed: accurate hypocentral determination using travel-time corrections to allow for 3D structural variations; and focal mechanisms for events with magnitudes above 3.5 using regional moment tensor inversions; analysis of intraplate stresses. Deployment of 5 to 10 temporary stations for aftershock studies is also planned, including some accelerometers.

PD2) “Seismic Tomography”

Joint tomography inversions for upper mantle structure using teleseismic P and S waves as well as surface waves need to be carried out to better define the low-velocity anomalies beneath the Chaco and Pantanal Basins. Joint inversion of gravity and seismic tomography is also planned. Seismic and gravity properties are expected to provide rheological parameters for convection modelling of the upper mantle.

The initial appointment is for two years renewable for two more years. Applications will be received until August 30th (new extended deadline). Applicants should send a CV and a letter detailing their research interests (and how they can best contribute to the project) to Marcelo Assumpcao <marcelo.assumpcao<at>>. Questions about the position should be sent to the same email address.

Start of the position is planned for October or November/2016.

Marcelo Assumpção
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