Enjoy the Summer 2016 issue of the EarthScope newsletter, inSights. In
this issue, you can learn how the Plate Boundary Observatory is used to
monitor landslide motion, read highlights from the IRIS 2016 Workshop,
discover how a PBO station on Augustine Island, Alaska met an
unfortunate fate, consider two undergraduate teaching modules in the
Education Corner, congratulate the 2016 AGeS Awardees, and keep up to
date on important EarthScope News and announcements!
Please read online or download the new issue here:
A goal of the EarthScope National Office is to bring EarthScope science
to the public through articles written by science writers. If you are
interested in sharing your work, contact Elisabeth Nadin: enadin<at>alaska.edu.
Perle M. Dorr
Public Outreach Manager
The IRIS Consortium
1200 New York Avenue, NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005
Direct: 202-407-7004 ** New **
IRIS: 202-682-2220
Fax: 202-682-0633