Thread: Postdoctoral Scholar Opportunity

Started: 2016-10-19 03:33:39
Last activity: 2016-10-19 03:33:39
Yehuda Bock
2016-10-19 03:33:39
Postdoctoral Scholar Advertisement, Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego

The Institute of Geophysics and Planetary in La Jolla, California invites applications for a postdoctoral scholar. The candidate will work with other researchers, a graduate student and programmers on a three-year NASA-funded project, "The early phases of the crustal deformation/earthquake cycle from GNSS and complementary Earth observation datasets: Implications for earthquake and tsunami hazards." The candidate will have available a catalog of high-resolution (1-10 Hz) GNSS observations superimposed on 25+ years of daily displacement time series, seismogeodetic and other observations as available (tsunami wave, InSAR, seismic, sea floor) in the near-source region for M6-9 earthquakes around the Pacific Rim. The high-rate observations encompass foreshocks, aftershocks, the early postseismic period and possibly other transient deformation. The objective is to improve our understanding of the underlying physics of crustal deformation and the earthquake cycle, especially during early onset postseismic deformation, through kinematic and dynamic models of time-dependent fault zone processes, and the implications for earthquake and tsunami hazards.
Candidates should have demonstrated experience in modeling crustal deformation and the earthquake source, preferably with complementary types of geophysical observations, and an interest in hazards, with the potential for independent, creative research. Proficiency in high-level computer programming and visualization is an advantage.
Candidates are required to have completed the PhD degree prior to taking up the appointment.
The position is now open for a one year period, with an option to extend for an additional two years based on performance. It includes a minimum stipend of $50,000 plus benefits. Appointees are eligible for health insurance through University of California San Diego.
The deadline for applications is December 1, 2016. Please provide at least two references for letters of recommendation.
Further information can be obtained from Yehuda Bock, ybock<at><ybock<at>>
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