Thread: Upcoming maintenance period (Tues. Oct 25, 10am)

Started: 2016-10-24 17:27:15
Last activity: 2016-10-24 17:27:15
Topics: Web Services
Robert Weekly
2016-10-24 17:27:15
Hello Web Service users,

There will be some maintenance performed on our production database server beginning tomorrow, October 25, at 10am (UTC-7). The maintenance period is expected to last approximately 1 hour.

During this time, all web service requests will be redirected to the IRIS auxiliary data center and no disruption of service is expected for most requests. However, if your client (i.e. cURL) does not automatically follow HTTP redirect requests, then some problems might occur.

To alleviate this issue with requests made using the cURL client specifically, please consider adding the “-L” option (as below) to your requests to enable HTTP redirection.

$ curl -L --data-binary @station.request -o station.txt

A follow-up email will be sent to the list once the maintenance period has completed. Thank you for your patience during this time.


IRIS DMC Services
17:04:35 v.af9cd46b