Thread: Call for abstracts - WAVES 2017 Conference - Minneapolis, US

Started: 2016-11-15 00:35:22
Last activity: 2016-11-15 00:35:22
Topics: Other Meetings
WAVES 2017
13th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation
May 15-19, 2017
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN USA

Visit the conference website:

The submission deadline is Dec. 10, 2016 (acceptance notification by Jan. 25, 2017).

Submission guidelines

Visit the Paper Submissions web page ( ) to see detailed guidelines for preparing and submitting papers

Conference themes

The themes for this meeting include, but are not restricted to:

Forward and Inverse Scattering
Fast Computational Techniques
Numerical Analysis, Domain Decomposition
Analytical and Asymptotic Methods
Nonlinear Wave Phenomena
Water Waves
Guided Waves and Waves in Random Media
Medical and Seismic Imaging
Homogenization of Wave Problems
Modeling Aspects in Photonics and Phononics
Mathematical Problems in Optics

Confirmed plenary speakers

Michael Berry, University of Bristol
Simon Chandler-Wilde, University of Reading
Bruno Després, Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory
Christophe Geuzaine, University of Liège
Steven Johnson, MIT
Peter Olver, University of Minnesota
George Papanicolaou, Stanford University
Catherine Sulem, University of Toronto
John Sylvester, University of Washington

The meeting will also feature three thematic minisymposia:

Nonlinear Waves in Mechanical Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals
Gravitational Waves: Sources and Detection
Seismic Waves: Uncertainty Quantification in Imaging/Inversion Across Scales
If you are interested in contributing to one of these minisymposia, please contact that specific minisymposium organizer listed on the Minisymposia web page.

For more information

For more information, visit the conference website or contact us directly at waves2017<at>


Bojan Guzina and Stefano Gonella
Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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