Thread: timeouts

Started: 2016-11-18 20:41:25
Last activity: 2016-11-19 06:24:01
Topics: Web Services
John West
2016-11-18 20:41:25
I'm using the timeseries service (via obspy) to download BH data one day at
a time, and I'm getting a lot of timeouts. I'm trapping 404 not founds, but
many requests are just timing out. Retrying usually doesn't help. I changed
the timeout parameter from 10 to 30 seconds with no apparent difference.

Under what conditions does the service time out instead of sending a 404?
Do I need to run a timeout setting longer than 30 seconds?


-- John

  • Chad Trabant
    2016-11-18 19:49:37

    Hi John,

    How long are the connections idle before you get a timeout? Our network equipment will drop idle connections after about 4-5 minutes of inactivity. Other than that we do not impose any sort of timeout or return an error status for a timeout condition from the services themselves. In most cases we find that default timeouts in client software are shorter than 4-5 minutes and that's usually what folks run into.

    Also, can you send an example of the request you are submitting so we can give it a go?


    On Nov 18, 2016, at 11:42 AM, John West <john.d.west<at>> wrote:

    I'm using the timeseries service (via obspy) to download BH data one day at a time, and I'm getting a lot of timeouts. I'm trapping 404 not founds, but many requests are just timing out. Retrying usually doesn't help. I changed the timeout parameter from 10 to 30 seconds with no apparent difference.

    Under what conditions does the service time out instead of sending a 404? Do I need to run a timeout setting longer than 30 seconds?


    -- John

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    • John West
      2016-11-18 21:07:08
      Hi, Chad. The obspy client defaults to 10 seconds. I was getting timeouts
      with 10 seconds; I increased it to 30 seconds without it helping much. I
      just switched to 120 seconds and that seems to be better.

      A typical request would be (timeseries service) CI PDM -- BHN from
      2008-01-29T23:45:00 to 2008-01-31T00:15:00 , correct, autolimits,
      units=VEL, demean. At timeout = 10 seconds this times out repeatedly.


      -- John

      On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Chad Trabant <chad<at>>

      Hi John,

      How long are the connections idle before you get a timeout? Our network
      equipment will drop idle connections after about 4-5 minutes of
      inactivity. Other than that we do not impose any sort of timeout or return
      an error status for a timeout condition from the services themselves. In
      most cases we find that default timeouts in client software are shorter
      than 4-5 minutes and that's usually what folks run into.

      Also, can you send an example of the request you are submitting so we can
      give it a go?


      On Nov 18, 2016, at 11:42 AM, John West <john.d.west<at>> wrote:

      I'm using the timeseries service (via obspy) to download BH data one day
      at a time, and I'm getting a lot of timeouts. I'm trapping 404 not founds,
      but many requests are just timing out. Retrying usually doesn't help. I
      changed the timeout parameter from 10 to 30 seconds with no apparent

      Under what conditions does the service time out instead of sending a
      404? Do I need to run a timeout setting longer than 30 seconds?


      -- John

      Web Services (

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      • Chad Trabant
        2016-11-19 06:24:01

        Hi John,

        Thanks for the details. I confirm that a request with those parameters is taking about a minute. While those are longish segments of data, they are still not too big for that king of processing. I'm a bit surprised these are not returning quicker. We'll take a look to see if something is gumming up the works, likely after the holiday break.


        On Nov 18, 2016, at 12:07 PM, John D. West <john.d.west<at>> wrote:

        Hi, Chad. The obspy client defaults to 10 seconds. I was getting timeouts with 10 seconds; I increased it to 30 seconds without it helping much. I just switched to 120 seconds and that seems to be better.

        A typical request would be (timeseries service) CI PDM -- BHN from 2008-01-29T23:45:00 to 2008-01-31T00:15:00 , correct, autolimits, units=VEL, demean. At timeout = 10 seconds this times out repeatedly.


        -- John

        On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Chad Trabant <chad<at> <chad<at>>> wrote:

        Hi John,

        How long are the connections idle before you get a timeout? Our network equipment will drop idle connections after about 4-5 minutes of inactivity. Other than that we do not impose any sort of timeout or return an error status for a timeout condition from the services themselves. In most cases we find that default timeouts in client software are shorter than 4-5 minutes and that's usually what folks run into.

        Also, can you send an example of the request you are submitting so we can give it a go?


        On Nov 18, 2016, at 11:42 AM, John West <john.d.west<at> <john.d.west<at>>> wrote:

        I'm using the timeseries service (via obspy) to download BH data one day at a time, and I'm getting a lot of timeouts. I'm trapping 404 not founds, but many requests are just timing out. Retrying usually doesn't help. I changed the timeout parameter from 10 to 30 seconds with no apparent difference.

        Under what conditions does the service time out instead of sending a 404? Do I need to run a timeout setting longer than 30 seconds?


        -- John

        Web Services (

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