Thread: seismo-live: seismological training with jupyter notebooks

Started: 2016-11-21 22:34:19
Last activity: 2016-11-21 22:34:19
Dear Colleagues,

we would like to draw your intention to a new (intended as community-driven) www-service providing python-based Jupyter notebooks for training in seismology. The service can be accessed at (currently restricted to 50 users at a time).

Jupyter notebooks (formerly known as ipython notebooks) are interactive documents combining simple word processing options with executable python (or other) code parts (see Shen, Nature, 515, 151–152, 2014). They are ideal for training, developing sample work flows, and exchanging, sharing codes under development, and making research results reproducible. On seismo-live a variety of notebooks are now available fuelled by a server in the background that allows running them with any www browser.

Currently available categories are:
- Python Introduction
- ObsPy (2-day introductory course)
- Instaseis-syngine (global seismograms in 1D models on the fly)
- Rotational seismology (data processing)
- Earthquake physics (rate and state friction toolkit)
- Computational seismology (FD,PS,FE,SE,FV,DG methods for 1D elastic wave equation, 3D Lamb's problem, 3D DC solution, 1-3D Green's functions, time reversal, etc.). This is complementary material to a new computational seismology text book (
- Reproducible papers (with the 2016 paper on instaseis-syngine as example)

Most notebooks come with exercises (e.g., blank code sections) and solutions, ready to be used in courses.

Under development:
- noise analysis
- array seismology

Those notebooks should be considered as seeds to further categories. We invite you to test the www service (and hope that our server can cope, but extensions are possible and envisaged). We are looking forward to receiving feedback and suggestions. More info on how to contribute to the repository are given on the seismo-live www site.

Please visit our poster S23C-2780 at the AGU Fall Meeting 2016:
Tuesday, December 13th; 1:40 PM - 6:00 PM, Moscone South; Poster Hall

Kind Regards
Heiner Igel, Lion Krischer, Martin van Driel, Carl Tape

PS: apologies for multiples

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