Thread: 2017 EGU Session: Advances in mapping the structure of cratons, craton margins, and craton boundaries

Started: 2016-11-28 22:33:26
Last activity: 2016-11-28 22:33:26
Topics: EGU Meetings
Forwarded on behalf of:
Huaiyu Yuan
Macquarie University

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the 2017 EGU session SM4.6/GD2.6/GMPV6.5/TS9.5, “Advances in mapping the structure of cratons, craton margins, and craton boundaries” ( Please note the deadline for applying for financial support to attend the meeting is quickly approaching on Dec 1 2016:

Advances in mapping the structure of cratons, craton margins, and craton boundaries (co-organized)
Convener: Huaiyu Yuan
Co-Conveners: Christian Sippl, Chris Kirkland , Liang Zhao , Klaus Gessner

Cratons are remarkable tectonic archives that preserve evidence for Archean crust formation in their core regions as well as Proterozoic and Cenozoic reworking of their margins and, in some cases, their internal structure. Across-scale studies of the crust and sub-continental lithospheric mantle can provide insight into the present day lithospheric architecture and dynamics, while the integration with isotope geochemistry may put tighter constraints to the associated processes through time. We call for contributions from, but not limited to, seismology, geodynamics, tectonics, geochemistry and magnetotellurics to infer similarities and differences regarding the formation, and structural evolution of cratons.

Best Regards,
06:03:07 v.af9cd46b