2017-01-22 06:38:34
Dear Colleagues,
We will convene a session at the JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting in Chiba/Japan
2017. Please consider submitting an abstract if you are interested on:
"Reducing risks from earthquakes, tsunamis & volcanoes: new applications of realtime geophysical data "
(May 20 & 21)
The abstract submission period is from Jan. 6 to Feb. 16 (17:00JST,
8:00UTC). An early bird submission discount will be applied through Feb. 3rd
(11:59am JST).
The websites for the Meeting & abstract submission are at:
JpGU Meeting 2017 top;
Information for abstract submission;
Abstract submission login;
Information for AGU members
*** If you are an AGU member, but not a JpGU member, you
can get ID & password for JpGU without paying an additional
membership fee. Just login the AGU website at:
then, click "SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT".
--> Your (JpGU) ID and password will be sent to the email address
you have registered with AGU.
Thank you for your attention, and see you at JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017!
Mitsuyuki Hoshiba, Satoshi Kawamoto, Naotaka Yamamoto, Fumiko Tajima
++++++++++++++++ Session description: ++++++++++++++++++++
Realtime monitoring and prediction (short title)
As the number of population centers grows in regions with earthquake,
tsunami and volcano hazards, the importance of improving methods for
rapid, realtime estimates of activity increases. Realtime monitoring,
analysis, and prediction of seismic ground motion, crustal movement and
tsunami will be powerful tools to contribute to earthquake and tsunami
disaster preparedness/mitigation. Tsunami and Earthquake Early Warning
systems exist today in many locations around the world. Now JMA has
started to promptly provide Eruption Notices to inform people of
impending and beginning volcanic eruptions. Large events like the 2011
Tohoku Earthquake (Mw9.0)have demonstrated some of the shortcomings of
existing techniques. In this session, we invite presentations on new
ideas, methods and applications of (near) realtime analysis of seismic,
geodetic and tsunami data, to the problem of realtime prediction aimed
at improving disaster preparedness/mitigation in the fields of
earthquake, tsunami and volcano observation. English presentation is
encouraged to bring together scientists, engineers, and practitioners
from a broad range of backgrounds from around the world, and to promote
collaborative communication at the leading edge of science and technologies.
We will convene a session at the JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting in Chiba/Japan
2017. Please consider submitting an abstract if you are interested on:
"Reducing risks from earthquakes, tsunamis & volcanoes: new applications of realtime geophysical data "
(May 20 & 21)
The abstract submission period is from Jan. 6 to Feb. 16 (17:00JST,
8:00UTC). An early bird submission discount will be applied through Feb. 3rd
(11:59am JST).
The websites for the Meeting & abstract submission are at:
JpGU Meeting 2017 top;
Information for abstract submission;
Abstract submission login;
Information for AGU members
*** If you are an AGU member, but not a JpGU member, you
can get ID & password for JpGU without paying an additional
membership fee. Just login the AGU website at:
then, click "SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT".
--> Your (JpGU) ID and password will be sent to the email address
you have registered with AGU.
Thank you for your attention, and see you at JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2017!
Mitsuyuki Hoshiba, Satoshi Kawamoto, Naotaka Yamamoto, Fumiko Tajima
++++++++++++++++ Session description: ++++++++++++++++++++
Realtime monitoring and prediction (short title)
As the number of population centers grows in regions with earthquake,
tsunami and volcano hazards, the importance of improving methods for
rapid, realtime estimates of activity increases. Realtime monitoring,
analysis, and prediction of seismic ground motion, crustal movement and
tsunami will be powerful tools to contribute to earthquake and tsunami
disaster preparedness/mitigation. Tsunami and Earthquake Early Warning
systems exist today in many locations around the world. Now JMA has
started to promptly provide Eruption Notices to inform people of
impending and beginning volcanic eruptions. Large events like the 2011
Tohoku Earthquake (Mw9.0)have demonstrated some of the shortcomings of
existing techniques. In this session, we invite presentations on new
ideas, methods and applications of (near) realtime analysis of seismic,
geodetic and tsunami data, to the problem of realtime prediction aimed
at improving disaster preparedness/mitigation in the fields of
earthquake, tsunami and volcano observation. English presentation is
encouraged to bring together scientists, engineers, and practitioners
from a broad range of backgrounds from around the world, and to promote
collaborative communication at the leading edge of science and technologies.