Thread: Session in JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting "From Earthquake Source and Seismicity Parameters to Fault Properties and Strong-motion Assessment"

Started: 2017-01-30 05:34:15
Last activity: 2017-01-30 05:34:15
Dear all,

I would like to draw your attention to our session of the coming JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting (May 20-25, 2017 in Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan) entitled "From Earthquake Source and Seismicity Parameters to Fault Properties and Strong-motion Assessment":
(Session abstract is shown at the end of this e-mail)
All presentations in this session will be given in English.

This session aims to share studies of
- source parameters (such as stress drop, seismic energy, rupture velocity, moment tensor, and magnitude) and
- seismicity parameters (such as b-values of the Gutenberg-Richter law and ETAS parameters), and
- their applications, for example, to strong motion assessment, etc.

The topic will span the problems and solutions for the estimation of source and seismicity parameters, the source physics behind the observable source parameters, new finding from observation for "natural" earthquakes and induced earthquakes, as well as application studies for strong-motion assessment.

You can submit your abstract, following the instruction at
The early-bird deadline is February 3rd at 11:59 am (Japan Standard Time (JST)), or 2:59am (UTC).
The final deadline is February 16th at 5pm (JST) or 8am (UTC).

Feel free to ask questions.
See you in Japan in May!

Session Scope:
Recent development of seismic networks has expanded our capability to study the characteristics of individual earthquake sources and seismicity. Those characteristics will be clues to enhance our understanding of fault properties and hence the characteristics of future earthquakes and resultant strong motion. These studies are feasible even during the interseismic period, since small earthquakes occur much more frequently than large ones. Recent advances in data analysis methods have also contributed to reduce uncertainties and bias in the earthquake parameters. We would like this session to be a good opportunity to share recent updates of studies of earthquake parameters: macroscopic source parameters (e.g., stress drop, radiated energy, moment tensor, and magnitude) and seismicity parameters (e.g., b-values of Gutenberg-Richter's law, ETAS parameters). Comparisons between finite fault models of large earthquakes and earthquake parameters of collocated small earthquakes are also within the scope of this session. We also invite contributions investigating the source physics behind earthquake parameters by, for example, numerical simulation and laboratory experiments, and studies applying earthquake parameters for strong-motion assessment.

Invited Speakers:
Xiaowei Chen (University of Oklahoma, USA)
Nana Yoshimitsu (Stanford University, USA)
Hongfeng Yang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Thessa Tormann (ETH, Switzerland)

Taka Uchide
on behalf of the session conveners (T.U. (GSJ/AIST), Bogdan Enescu (Kyoto Univ.), and Hiroki Sone (Univ. Wisconsin-Madison)

Takahiko UCHIDE, Dr.
Seismotectonics Research Group,
Research Institute of Earthquake and Volcano Geology,
Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ),
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

Postal Address:
1-1-1 Higashi, AIST Central 7,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8567 JAPAN

E-mail: t.uchide<at>
Tel: +81-29-861-9051
Web Site:

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