Thread: Earth Educators' Rendezvous--Registration is Now Open!

Started: 2017-01-31 15:25:49
Last activity: 2017-01-31 15:25:49
Topics: Other Meetings

We are excited to announce that the ​Earth Educators' Rendezvous​ (July 17-21)​ registration is now open and the topics for morning workshops and afternoon events are finalized.

Check out the program here:​

Morning workshops require registration and will be filled on a first come first served basis.
Workshops are interactive with participants learning from one another and from experts in formats that build on research-based pedagogies. These sessions feature time to work on your own introductory or upper-division course, to plan new ways to strengthen your program, or to move forward your education research agenda.

All participants registered for a particular day can attend either afternoon mini-workshops or round table discussions, or can choose between multiple sessions featuring teaching demonstrations and/or contributed talks. We are envisioning that specific topics (e.g. broadening participation), specific pedagogical techniques (e.g. metacognition), and research results will be presented and discussed in the oral and poster sessions.

Many of us have interests in multiple areas of Earth Science education in addition to our discipline-specific interests, and the Rendezvous is designed to allow exploration of these areas in ways not possible during conventional scientific meetings. The Contributed Program is a critical component to this end, and offers both a venue to present work and an opportunity to see what is going on in the Earth Science education community. The Rendezvous provides a unique opportunity to present and discuss your work with an audience of Earth Educators. For more details and to submit an abstract for a talk or poster or to propose a teaching demo, visit: ( Deadline for submitting an abstract or demo is March 3.

Lastly, we would like to encourage the use of the Rendezvous as a venue for working meetings that allow groups to move forward their collaborative project while capitalizing on the opportunity to learn from colleagues at the Rendezvous. If you are interested in running a concurrent working meeting at the Rendezvous, you can apply to receive a $20 per day discount for the members of your group. We must receive your application before March 3 to be considered for the working group discount. For more details and to apply visit:

We hope you will find the program to be engaging and flexible. More details about the plenary speakers and workshop leaders will be available in the coming weeks.​ We hope to see you in Albuquerque!​

Important Dates
Working Group Application By March 3, 2017
Abstract​/Teaching Demo​ Submission By March 3, 2017
Travel Stipend Application By April 1, 2017
Registration Early Bird: May 1, 2017

Krista Herbstrith, Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Science Education Resource Center—SERC,
Carleton College
Northfield, MN 55057

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