Thread: sessions of interest at Goldschmidt2017

Started: 2017-03-14 02:42:38
Last activity: 2017-03-14 02:42:38
Topics: Other Meetings
Ellen Syracuse
2017-03-14 02:42:38
Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to two sessions at the upcoming Goldschmidt2017 meeting in Paris, France, held August 13-18, that may be of interest to many seismologists:

05B: New Advances in Active Subduction Zones
Keynote Speaker: Osamu Ishizuka (JAMSTEC)
Active subduction zones are natural laboratories to further investigate subduction processes, and they have been the renewed locus of intense dredging and drilling, and geochemical and geophysical research over the past few years. To one step forward, here we seek to further explore subduction processes, which include the deep element cycle, the origin and the pathways of slab fluids, the redox state of the mantle, petrogenesis of subduction zone magmas, slab melting, and the thermal state of the slab. This session seeks to integrate petrographic observations, geochemistry, geophysics and numerical modelling to advance our current knowledge about subduction zones. We also welcome new studies about recent marine expeditions.

5E: Lithosphere Evolution During Subduction and Collision
Keynote Speaker: Cin-Ty Lee (Rice University)
The compositions and fabrics of crustal and mantle rocks record the history of large-scale tectonic and magmatic events that have shaped Earth’s evolution. We aim to bring together perspectives from mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, microstructure analysis, geophysics, and numerical modelling to:
• constrain the mantle source and generation of oceanic lithosphere
• track changes in mantle processes, composition, and heterogeneities through time
• probe the nature of subduction, ancient to recent
• examine the role of subduction and collision in lithospheric evolution and in shaping Earth’s crust
• reveal the structure and geophysical properties of domains in collision zones
• understand the range of implications from these topics, including those on the global Carbon cycle, mantle convection models, timescales of recycling processes, and the role and nature of fluid phases and melt-rock interactions throughout the mantle.
Observations from exposed ophiolites and mantle terranes, from mantle xenoliths, and samples from active settings (e.g., from IODP drilling), provide many constraints. Recent analysis of ophiolites supports multiple episodes of melt extraction and migration in their genesis, and two-way deep recycling of crustal and mantle material during the formation of oceanic lithosphere. Studies of exposed mantle terranes probe ancient and modern subduction zones, shedding light on mantle fluid pathways, mineralisation processes, mantle modification due to magmatism, scale and distribution of mantle heterogeneities, and deep deformation styles. We encourage the synergistic use of the such observations with geophysical and geodynamical data, including contrasts in seismic velocity, attenuation, and anisotropy, magnetotelluric responses to water and melts, and dynamic modeling.

Abstracts are due April 1, and more information is available at


Max Schmidt,
Horst Marschall,
Ellen Syracuse

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