Thread: Tour of EarthScope's Alaska Operations Center - Monday, May 15

Started: 2017-04-18 18:50:17
Last activity: 2017-04-18 18:50:17
Topics: Other Meetings
Dear Friends of EarthScope,

Are you curious about the EarthScope instrumentation deployed in Alaska? Take our free tour of the Alaska Operations Center on afternoon of Monday, May 15, to see and learn about the seismic and geodetic sensors and station components, and what is involved to install and maintain these stations throughout remote regions of Alaska. Questions are encouraged!

NOTE: Participants do not have to be registered for the EarthScope National Meeting to take advantage of this opportunity.

WHEN: Monday, May 15
TIME: 3:00 - 5:00 pm
WHERE: There will be short introductory presentations by IRIS and UNAVCO staff at the Dena’ina Convention Center, Kahtnu 1 Room, in Anchorage, prior to traveling by shuttle a few miles to the Alaska Operations Center for the tour.

Interested? Please RSVP to Danielle Sumy (sumy<at> <sumy<at>>). Advance registration is preferred but walk-ins are welcome!

Danielle Sumy, PhD

Project Associate
Instrumentation Services
Education and Public Outreach
The IRIS Consortium

1200 New York Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-407-7015
Fax: 202-682-0633
Email: danielle.sumy<at>

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