Thread: Update Regarding PNSC (Polar Networks Science Committee)

Started: 2017-06-12 12:23:02
Last activity: 2017-06-12 12:23:02
Dear IRIS members,

I just wanted to introduce myself as the new chair of the PNSC (Polar Networks Science Committee) - a joint UNAVCO/IRIS committee. Our charter is appended below. As we get ready for our annual meeting (June 22), I wanted to reach out to the community so 1) you know we exist and 2) to solicit feedback or discussion items. If you have a polar-related topic or concern that you'd like us to address, please let me or one of your other PNSC committee members know.

Our meeting minutes will be posted here shortly after we convene.


PNSC members (contact info here):
Rick Aster (IRIS rep)
Jennifer Haase (UNAVCO rep)
Samantha Hansen (IRIS rep)
Erik Ivins (UNAVCO rep)
John LaBrecque (UNAVCO Board Liaison)
Matthew Lazzara (UNAVCO rep)
Jake Walter (IRIS rep)
Paul Winberry (IRIS rep)

PNSC Charter Tasks (full charter is here)

- To engage the science/research community in developing a sustainable vision for polar geodetic and seismic networks.
- To coordinate input to IRIS and UNAVCO from the science/research community regarding polar, networks and facilities and to provide information to the research community on the polar instrumentation capabilities of the facilities.
- To advise and engage IRIS and UNAVCO on initiatives related to technology and facilities for support of polar geodetic and seismic research.
- To provide advice on the technical and logistic challenges of polar focused data acquisition, and to facilitate coordination between IRIS/PASSCAL and UNAVCO development efforts.
- To facilitate linkages between IRIS/UNAVCO efforts and other polar scientific communities.
Leigh A. Stearns, Associate Professor
Department of Geology
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045
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