2017-06-20 17:05:32
We are happy to announce the release of ISPAQ (1.0.0), the IRIS System for Portable Assessment of Quality:
ISPAQ is a command line application that enables you to calculate quality metrics for seismic data locally, by leveraging MUSTANG R-code within a Python client. Over 40 MUSTANG metrics can be calculated for either local miniSEED files or for data available through any Data Center that supports FDSN web services. These metrics include basic trace statistics, metrics based on miniSEED state-of-health flags (if available), metrics based on event arrivals, and metrics derived from Power Spectral Densities (PSD). Daily PSDs and Power Density Functions (PDF) can be output as text files. PDF plots are also available, but limited to single day time-spans. All results are computed and stored on the user's local machine.
Software Requirements:
* Linux or macOS operating system
* Anaconda (https://www.continuum.io/why-anaconda) or Miniconda (http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html)
ISPAQ was written by Jonathan Callahan (Mazama Science) and the IRIS Quality Assurance Team (dmc_qa<at>iris.washington.edu)
For more information, please read the IRIS DS Newsletter introductory article on ISPAQ:
ISPAQ is a command line application that enables you to calculate quality metrics for seismic data locally, by leveraging MUSTANG R-code within a Python client. Over 40 MUSTANG metrics can be calculated for either local miniSEED files or for data available through any Data Center that supports FDSN web services. These metrics include basic trace statistics, metrics based on miniSEED state-of-health flags (if available), metrics based on event arrivals, and metrics derived from Power Spectral Densities (PSD). Daily PSDs and Power Density Functions (PDF) can be output as text files. PDF plots are also available, but limited to single day time-spans. All results are computed and stored on the user's local machine.
Software Requirements:
* Linux or macOS operating system
* Anaconda (https://www.continuum.io/why-anaconda) or Miniconda (http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html)
ISPAQ was written by Jonathan Callahan (Mazama Science) and the IRIS Quality Assurance Team (dmc_qa<at>iris.washington.edu)
For more information, please read the IRIS DS Newsletter introductory article on ISPAQ: