Thread: 2017 AGU Fall Meeting Session S038: Characterizing the Effects of Sediments on Seismic Wave Propagation

Started: 2017-07-18 07:40:11
Last activity: 2017-07-18 07:40:11
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We welcome submissions to this poster session on the influence of
low-velocity sediments on seismic wave propagation:

*S038: Characterizing the Effects of Sediments on Seismic Wave Propagation*

Session ID#: 27509

Session Description:

The analysis of seismic data recorded at onshore and offshore sedimented
locations is often complicated by 1) large impedance contrasts between
sediments and surrounding crustal rock, 2) localized amplification in
unconsolidated sediment layers, and 3) multiple scattering. High-amplitude
body wave reverberations in the sediment layer can obscure fainter crustal
phases in receiver functions and hinder traveltime picking for tomographic
studies. Localized basin amplification and refraction effects can increase
uncertainties of array-based source parameter estimates, attenuation
studies, surface wave dispersion measurements and tomographic inversions
when not properly accounted for. With this session we hope to define and
advance the state of the art in regards to characterizing and mitigating
the effects of sediments on seismic observations. We therefore encourage
contributions highlighting improvements in waveform modeling and inversion,
receiver functions, tomography and surface wave analysis in highly
reverberatory media.

Primary Convener:

Justin Scott Ball, University of Colorado at Boulder


Vera Schulte-Pelkum, University of Colorado at Boulder

Helen A Janiszewski, Columbia University of New York

We encourage submissions from both the land-based and ocean-bottom
seismology community.

Please contact Justin Ball (Justin.Ball<at> or the co-conveners
with any questions you may have.

Best Regards,

-Justin Ball

Justin Ball, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
CIRES/ University of Colorado Boulder

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