Thread: AGU Abstract Submissions Due Today, Aug. 2nd!

Started: 2017-08-02 19:41:24
Last activity: 2017-08-02 19:41:24
Topics: AGU Meetings
Margarete Jadamec
2017-08-02 19:41:24
Dear Colleagues,

This is a reminder that Abstract Submissions for the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting are due Today - Wednesday, August 2nd, @ 23:59 EDT!

More information for Abstract Submissions can be found here:

Abstract Submission Guidelines:
To submit an abstract, go to the Abstract Submissions page, , and click on the Submit Now button. More information on submission procedures can be found by clicking the links below the Submit Now button.
The list of proposed sessions, organized by discipline, can be viewed here: Click one of the disciplines to see the respective list of sessions.
Please note that there are a range of new session formats being used this year. If you see them during your choices for submission, more information can be found here: . These include eLightning digital poster sessions. As a part of introducing this new format, a multidisciplinary eLightning session for Tectonophysics, Seismology, Studies of the Earth's Deep Interior, and Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology can be found here:

Reminder, the Fall Meeting will be held this year in New Orleans, LA, from December 11-15th. The scientific program is community driven, and your participation is what makes such a broad and comprehensive range of scientific contributions possible.

We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!

On behalf of the Tectonophysics Representatives
for the AGU Fall Meeting Program Committee,

Margarete Jadamec
Andrew Schaeffer
Christine Regalla

Margarete Jadamec
Assistant Professor of Geodynamics

Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Science and Research Building 1
3507 Cullen Blvd, Room 312
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204

Tel: (713) 743-6510
Office: Science and Research Bldg 1, Room 127A
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