Thread: Postdoctoral Opportunity in Earthquake Geodesy

Started: 2017-08-15 22:07:14
Last activity: 2017-08-15 22:07:14
Bill Barnhart
2017-08-15 22:07:14
Postdoctoral Opportunity in Earthquake Geodesy

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Iowa seeks a qualified and motivated postdoctoral researcher to conduct research in the fields of geodesy, solid earth deformation, and earthquake processes. The research will contribute in part to a collaborative NSF-funded project with CU-Boulder that aims to characterize the physical and seismological structure of the Main Himalayan Thrust in the vicinity of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake through joint geodetic-seismic analysis. Additionally, the postdoctoral researcher will have the opportunity to pursue independent research that compliments ongoing research in space-based geodesy (InSAR and optical geodesy), landscape evolution in response to active tectonics, rapid earthquake response, or other related topics. The position, which may begin immediately, includes one year of funding with a second year of funding contingent upon satisfactory progress.

Candidates must have a PhD in geology, geophysics, or a related field. Preference will be given to candidates with a record of publication and experience in geodetic image processing and analysis, finite or discrete element modeling, earthquake relocation or receiver function analysis, and/or crustal deformation modeling. Applications will be accepted immediately and until the position is filled. An application should include 1) a cover letter, 2) a detailed curriculum vitae, and 3) contact information for three (3) references. Applications or questions about the position should be submitted directly to William Barnhart (william-barnhart-1<at><william-barnhart-1<at>>). More information about the Active Tectonics and Geodesy research group at the University of Iowa can be found here:

William D. Barnhart

Assistant Professor
The University of Iowa
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

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