Thread: PhD opportunity in seismology at GFZ Potsdam, Germany

Started: 2017-08-24 00:29:06
Last activity: 2017-08-24 00:29:06
Frederik Tilmann
2017-08-24 00:29:06
Institution: German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Potsdam,
Germany (near Berlin)
Application deadline: 2017-09-15

Project title: Understanding subduction by linking surface exposures of
subducted and exhumed crust to geophysical images of slabs

The PhD position is established within the priority program “Mountain
Building in 4D” (4D-MB) funded by the German Science foundation (DFG)
and scientifically linked with the European research initiative AlpArray
( )

One of the prime goals of the research programme is to link surface
geological observations to the deep structure of the Alps. The deep
structure will be imaged in 3D in unprecedented detail by the AlpArray
seismic network and a further even denser deployment (SWATH D) in a
focus area in the Austrian-Italian Alps. The goal of the project is to
analyse this unique dataset in order to construct detailed images of the
crust and uppermost mantle with innovative methods. This image will be
used to come to a quantitative understanding of the lithology and likely
deformation history by including mineralogical datasets on rock physics
and geological observations of analogue structures now exposed at the
surface to interpret the imaged structures. The PhD project is concerned
with the seismological part of this joint project, which is carried out
as an interdisciplinary cooperation with the mineralogy and tectonics
groups at FU Berlin and the modelling group at University of Mainz.

For full listing and application procedure refer to:

Informal enquiries can be directed to Frederik Tilmann

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