Thread: Upcoming CIDER Workshop (Dec 10, 2017, New Orleans) and 2018 Summer program - please mark your calendars

Started: 2017-09-11 18:11:17
Last activity: 2017-09-11 18:11:17
Dear colleagues,

We wish to bring to your attention two upcoming CIDER events:

1) The pre-AGU CIDER workshop will take place at Tulane Univ., close to the
location of the AGU meeting, on Sunday December 10th, 2017, from 1.30 to
5.30 pm. It will feature keynote talks by Christy Till, Kerry Key and Paul
Asimow on themes related to the 2017 and 2018 summer program, as well as
presentations by research groups formed during the 2017 CIDER summer
program. The workshop is open to all, and in particular those of you that
haven't been to CIDER yet and are curious about it. A registration page is
under construction:

2) The 2018 CIDER Summer Program will take place at KITP, UC. Santa Barbara,
from July 9th to August 3rd, 2018. The theme will revisit that of the first
CIDER program in 2004: "Relating geochemical and geophysical heterogeneity
in the deep Earth". An application page is under construction:

For more information, please contact Barbara Romanowicz (barbara at seismo
dot berkeley dot edu), Bruce Buffett (bbuffett at berkeley dot edu), or
Dan A Frost (dafrost at seismo dot berkeley dot edu).


Barbara Romanowicz, Dan A Frost, and Bruce Buffett

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