Thread: Postdoc position in microseismic monitoring

Started: 2017-11-09 13:48:28
Last activity: 2017-11-09 13:48:28
Volker Oye
2017-11-09 13:48:28
Institution: NORSAR
Open Until: 2017-12-10

NORSAR has extensive experience in array seismology, microseismic monitoring and ray-tracing technology. We are seeking a Postdoc for a 2-year position in the research project “Enhancing Geothermal Reservoirs – Hydraulic and Thermal Stimulation Technology (ERiS)”, which is funded by the Research Council of Norway and Statoil through the EnergiX programme.

The ERiS project’s primary objective is to complement the expertise of the geothermal energy sector in exploitation of unconventional geothermal resources by developing new numerical models and data interpretation workflows that can identify governing mechanisms and forecast reservoir response to stimulation. The Postdoc will be tightly collaborating with researchers at the University of Bergen, Department of Mathematics, which is responsible for the numerical modelling of fracture networks.

The Postdoc will focus on the interpretation and analysis of field data collected from Iceland, provided by our project partners at ISOR. Using seismological analysis methods, we will investigate how to best characterize, and potentially differentiate, the internal structure of natural and induced fracture networks. The candidate will need to relocate microseismicity, determine source parameters and mechanisms and thereupon, derive fracture network geometries.

Required skills and experiences:

- general seismic waveform processing
- knowledge in earthquake location methodology
- firm knowledge in programming (e.g. matlab, C/C++, python, or others)
- proven working-knowledge, in numerical modelling is advantageous

Desired additional skills and experiences:

- digital signal processing
- source spectral analysis
- focal mechanisms and full moment tensor inversion

The right candidate is a good communicator with great presentation skills, and has the ability to collaborate in a team and independently solve individual assignments. Needs to be fluent in English, written and spoken, as well as good in Norwegian both written and spoken.

We offer:
A very diverse and challenging job within an international team of young and experienced researchers. We encourage women to apply. We offer flexible working conditions and competitive terms.

Candidates may be requested to pass professional selection procedures. Applications with documentation of competence, experience and letter of motivation, including contacts to references, should be sent electronically to careers<at> as soon as possible and no later than 10th of December 2017. We hope to start the position as early as possible in 2018.

Interested candidates may obtain additional information by contacting Dr. Volker Oye, volker<at>
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