Thread: Researchers: Geostatistics, Applied Geology in the area of Metallogenesis and Mining, Mineral identification and characterizat

Started: 2017-12-04 16:55:55
Last activity: 2017-12-04 16:55:55
Institution: AMTC Universidad de Chile
Open Until: 2017-12-20

Research Positions at the Advanced Mining Technology Center

The Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC) at the Universidad de Chile is a leading research center in Chile in mining technology. The AMTC mission is to generate world-class multidisciplinary R&D, to transfer new technologies to the industry and to train advanced human capital, in order to address the challenges of the mineral industry that contributes to the welfare and development of Chile and the world. The AMTC is organized in five R&D groups: Exploration & Ore Deposit Modeling, Mine Planning & Design, Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy, Mining Automation, and Water & Environmental Sustainability.

More information can be found in the website:

The AMTC is seeking highly qualified and motivated PhD researchers in the following areas:
• Geostatistics
• Applied Geology in the area of Metallogenesis and Mining
• Mineral identification and characterization
Applications of exceptional researchers in other related research areas of the Center will be also considered.

All research staff is expected to develop and engage in major research areas of the Center, to publish in high-level international conferences and journals, and to carry out industry-funded projects. Appointments will be made at a variety of different levels depending on qualifications and experience. The ability to work in a team and to effectively communicate technical information in written and spoken English is required. Selected candidates should be willing to learn Spanish.

Applicants should send: a presentation letter, statement of research interests, a curriculum vitae, name and email of three references, a copy of the degree diplomas, and reprints of selected papers to:
Prof. Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, Executive Director, Advanced Mining Technology Center,
Universidad de Chile
Email: javier.ruizdelsolar<at>; Subject: Research Positions at the AMTC
(Electronic submission is accepted for a first contact)
Application deadline: December 20, 2017.

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