Thread: Postdoctoral positions in seismology

Started: 2017-12-09 16:09:51
Last activity: 2017-12-09 16:09:51
2017-12-09 16:09:51
Institution: University of Utah
Open Until: 2017-03-04

The University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences and the University of Utah, Department of Geology and Geophysics, invite applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associates in seismology to be working on the deep mantle with a focus on ultra-low velocity zone (ULVZ) properties and their role in mantle dynamics. Funded by a joint NSF-NERC grant, a 3-year postdoc will join Professor Michael Thorne’s group at the University of Utah ( ), and a 2-year postdoc will join Professor Tarje Nissen-Meyer’s group at the University of Oxford ( ). The candidate hired at the University of Utah will be focused on waveform data analysis and should have a strong background in seismic waveform analysis and processing.  The candidate hired at the University of Oxfordwill focus on the development and application of waveform modeling and inversion tools with a strong background in wave propagation, numerical methods, inverse theory, and deep-earth geophysics. The international research team is amended by Dr. Sebastian Rost, University of Leeds UK, and Prof. June Wicks, John Hopkins University Baltimore, MD. The candidate will work closely with the four investigators in the US and UK, and spend time at partner institutions.

The starting date is flexible, and can be as early as spring 2018. A PhD in geophysics, physics or a similar relevant discipline is required along with evidence of a strong collaborative spirit. The application deadline is January 15, 2018. Interviews will take place in February 2018, and a decision will be taken quickly.

Questions about the positions, the respective research groups and departments should be sent to Michael Thorne (michael.thorne<at> and Tarje Nissen-Meyer (tarje.nissen-meyer<at> Tarje Nissen-Meyer will be at AGU Fall Meeting and is happy to informally discuss the position during the meeting. For questions about the application procedure see below.

Applications for the Oxford post are only accepted through the official job application website ( ):

Details on the application procedure are found on the website, and questions about it should be directed<at>

Applications for the Utah post should send a short statement of research interests, a CV, and names, e-mails, and phone numbers of three referees to Michael Thorne (michael.thorne<at>

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