Thread: TODAY: "Alaska TA: Capabilities and Interdisciplinary Instrumentation" at 2017 AGU Fall Meeting

Started: 2017-12-14 21:32:35
Last activity: 2017-12-14 21:32:35
Topics: AGU Meetings
IRIS will host a small meeting titled "Alaska TA: Capabilities and
Interdisciplinary Instrumentation" at the 2017 AGU Fall Meeting in New
Orleans. This meeting will focus on describing the full breadth of TA
capabilities as currently deployed in Alaska and western Canada and
highlighting emerging use and science, with a particular emphasis on
interdisciplinary aspects. A preliminary agenda is outlined below which
will begin with a few presentations for background, short pop-ups from
collaborators and stakeholders (slides optional), followed by plenty of
time for discussion.

Thursday, December 14th
3:30 - 5:00pm
Hampton Inn & Suites, Dauphine Room, Second Floor
1201 Convention Center Blvd (Across the street from the Poster Hall)

Agenda (subject to change)

* *Alaska TA: Introduction and Capability* - Bob Busby, IRIS
* *S**eismicity of Alaska, as seen by the TA *- Natalia Ruppert, AEC
* *Emerging Science and Collaborator Lightning Talks* - 5-minute pop-ups
o Meghan Miller, The Australian National University
o Xiaotao Yang, University of Massachusetts
o Kevin Ward, University of Utah
o Sunyoung Park, Harvard University
o Adam Ringler, ASL
o Frank Vernon, UCSD
o Nic Kinsman, NOAA
o Peter Griffith, NASA
o Helena Buurman, UAF
* *Future Operations for ATA* - 5 minute pop-ups focused on future
directions like CCArrray, SZO, etc.
o Mike West, AEC
* *Open Discussion* - Data user feedback, unexpected observations, etc.

Please feel free to forward this message on to anyone who may be
interested in attending and presenting at this meeting.

Kasey Aderhold, Ph.D.
Project Associate | IRIS TA/OBSIP Management
202-407-7019 | kasey<at>

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