Thread: EGU2018 - What lies beneath? Seismic tomography from crust to core

Started: 2017-12-19 19:28:20
Last activity: 2017-12-19 19:28:20
Topics: EGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

Now the AGU Fall meeting has finished, it is time to think about EGU
Therefore, we would like to draw your attention to the following session
at the EGU General Assembly 2018:

*SM 4.01: What lies beneath? Seismic tomography from crust to core*

*Session details *
Seismic tomography is a powerful tool for imaging the Earth’s interior
with the resulting models allowing us to infer its composition, dynamics
and evolution. Over the last decades, our images have sharpened, thanks
to the growth of global and dense regional networks (on land and in the
oceans), the extraction of new observables, advances in modelling
techniques and increased computational power. We are now not only
resolving unprecedented details on local and regional scales, but also
moving towards whole-Earth tomography, including the inner core.

We welcome contributions on all aspects related to seismic tomography,
from crust to core. Last year’s training school of the COST-action
"TIDES" (TIme-DEpendent Seismology) highlighted exciting new
developments in the field, including studies of new observables,
developments in forward modelling and inversion techniques, innovative
approaches to uncertainty quantification, as well as interdisciplinary
efforts aimed at obtaining new insights into Earth's dynamics and
evolution. We encourage contributions in all of these directions. While
we welcome all studies aimed at constraining Earth structure, we
particularly invite contributions that utilise passive sources.

Paula Koelemeijer, University of Oxford
Sergei Lebedev, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
Kasra Hosseini, University of Oxford
Ana MG Ferreira, University College London

*Confirmed invited speakers:*
Scott Burdick, Wayne State University
Stephanie Durand, Institut für Geophysik, Münster

The abstract submission deadline is *Wednesday January 10, 2018, 13:00

We invite you to submit an abstract here:

Kind Regards,

Paula Koelemeijer
Sergei Lebedev
Kasra Hosseini
Ana Ferreira

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