Thread: SSA 2018 Technical Session - Explosion Research

Started: 2017-12-20 02:23:54
Last activity: 2017-12-20 02:23:54
Topics: SSA Meetings
Charlotte Rowe
2017-12-20 02:23:54
Hello and Happy Holidays, colleagues!

Abstract submissions are now open for the 2018 SSA meeting, May 14-17 in Miami, Florida.

We would like to draw your attention to the SSA 2018 Technical Session:

Advances in Explosion Seismo-Acoustic Research

Seismo-acoustic approaches serve as primary tools in monitoring explosions around the world. Improvements in these fields have led to new analytical techniques including correlation methods, advanced array analysis, multimodal surface wave methods and quantitative uncertainty estimates for source and propagation models and derived parameters. We invite contributions highlighting research to improve detection, location and interpretation of explosion sources, as well as associated uncertainties.

Session Conveners
Charlotte Rowe, Los Alamos National Laboratory, <char<at>>
Catherine Snelson-Gerlicher, Los Alamos National Laboratory, <snelsonc<at>>
Sean Ford, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, <ford17<at>>
Christopher Young, Sandia National Laboratory, <cjyoung<at>>
Junghyun Park, Southern Methodist University, <junghyunp<at>>

Please note the abstract deadline is 24 January, 2018

Dr. Charlotte A. Rowe
EES-17, MS F-665
Seismologist, Geophysics Group
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ph: 505-665-6404, Cell: 505-500-2486

"Never eat more than you can lift"
-------- Miss Piggy

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