Thread: SSA 2018 Technical Session - Ocean Bottom Seismology

Started: 2017-12-20 02:33:44
Last activity: 2017-12-20 02:33:44
Topics: SSA Meetings
Charlotte Rowe
2017-12-20 02:33:44
Dear colleagues:

Abstract submission for the 2018 SSA meeting in Miami, Florida (May 14-17) is now open, and abstracts will be accepted through 24 January, 2018. We would like to draw your attention to the following technical session on Ocean Bottom Seismology:

Ocean Bottom Seismology - Hurdles, Strategies and Outcomes

The field of Ocean Bottom Seismology has been rapidly expanding, with many types of deployments for a wide variety of targets. Ocean floor sensors have been used for structural and geodynamic studies, enhanced seismic monitoring and improved source location. Different marine environments and tectonic settings require innovative solutions to deployment logistics, sensor emplacement and data recovery. Following the extraction of data, special problems relating to a sometimes very noisy environment pose new challenges to maximize data utility. We welcome contributions addressing all aspects of active and passive ocean-bottom seismology, technical innovations, data analysis and the scientific results obtained from OBS or amphibious projects.

Session Conveners
Charlotte A. Rowe, Los Alamos National Laboratory, <char<at>>
Francisco J. Nunez-Cornu, SisVOC, Centro Universitario de la Costa, <pacornu77<at>>
Susan L. Bilek, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, <sbilek<at>>

Please consider submitting an abstract at to share your submarine seismic work with us in this session.

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