Thread: EGU Session on Integrated geophysical-petrological modelling of the crust and upper mantle

Started: 2017-12-27 23:43:52
Last activity: 2017-12-27 23:43:52
Topics: EGU Meetings
Dear all,

Please consider submitting an abstract to our session at the EGU 2018
General Assembly in Vienna (8-13 April). Deadline for submission is 10th of
January 2018.

*Session title:*
*Integrated geophysical-petrological modelling of the crust and upper
mantle at multiple scales*
*GD2.3/EMRP4.16/GMPV2.5/SM 4.10*


*Session details:*
A detailed knowledge of the Earth’s physical properties and chemical
composition is fundamental in order to shed light on the planet inner
workings, and improve our understanding of phenomena such as plate
tectonics, mantle convection and glacial isostatic adjustment. The last
decades have seen a steady increase in the quality and quantity of various
kinds of geophysical data, for example seismic, gravity and electromagnetic
observations. A new generation of geophysical models, able to
simultaneously satisfy multiple constraints, is necessary to take full
advantage of such a diverse dataset.
The session principally focuses on forward and inverse modelling of crust
and mantle physical properties and chemical composition. We particularly
welcome studies (i) leveraging on a multi-disciplinary approach, using
gravity data (e.g. GRACE, GOCE, regional scale dataset), magnetic
observations (e.g. Swarm, EMAG2, Chaos, regional scale dataset), seismic
measurements, mineral physics constraints and petrological data; (ii)
dealing with regional to global scale modelling; (iii) willing to evaluate
the impact of the inferred thermo-chemical structure on geodynamic

Mattia Guerri (DIAS, Ireland)
Eldar Baykiev (DIAS, Ireland)
Alexandra Guy (Czech Geological Survey, Czech Republic)
Nils Holzrichter (Kiel University, Germany)
Bart Root (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)

Best regards,

*Mattia Guerri, Postdoctoral Researcher*
*Dublin institute for Advanced Studies*

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