Thread: SSA 2018 Technical Session - Uncertainty in Ground Motion Estimation

Started: 2018-01-09 01:26:13
Last activity: 2018-01-09 01:26:13
Topics: SSA Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session at the 2018 SSA meeting, in Miami, FL from 14-17 May, 2018: Uncertainty in Ground Motion Estimation. This session is focused towards methods of reducing uncertainty in ground motion estimation with physical properties or processes, and seeks submissions from both the engineering and seismological communities.

The submission deadline for abstracts is 24 January 2018 ( )


Uncertainty in Ground Motion Estimation

Session Description:

Quantifying, understanding sources of, and reducing uncertainty in methods of ground motion estimation are critical for improving seismic hazard assessment, as well as for working towards an understanding of the underlying seismological processes behind ground motion. Large uncertainty has often plagued estimates of physical parameters; it is important to reduce this uncertainty to discern the underlying seismological trends. Collaboration between the engineering and seismological communities is mutually beneficial; this session aims to bring together these communities to increase communication of new developments in targeting and understanding sources of uncertainty or variability in ground motion estimation, as well as working towards quantifying and reducing it for appications of seismic hazard assessment.

We welcome studies focused on understanding the foundations of variability in the seismological processes or parameters affecting ground motion estimation (earthquake source parameters, source characterization, etc.), on improving crustal models and techniques for ground motion simulations, on methods of quantifying uncertainty in seismological processes, as well as on strategies for reducing aleatory uncertainty as represented in ground motion prediction equations and probabalistic seismic hazard analysis.

Valerie Sahakian (vsahakian<at> <vsahakian<at>>)
Annemarie Baltay (abaltay<at> <abaltay<at>>)
Katie Wooddell (wooddell<at> <wooddell<at>>)

Valerie, Annemarie, and Katie

Valerie Sahakian
US Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road Email: vsahakian<at> <vsahakian<at>>
Menlo Park, CA 94025 Office: 650.329.5153

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