Thread: SSA/LACSC 2018 Real Time GNSS Sessions

Started: 2018-01-10 19:50:44
Last activity: 2018-01-10 19:50:44
Topics: SSA Meetings
Alberto M Lopez Venegas
2018-01-10 19:50:44
Greetings colleagues!

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention the two sessions related to
Real-time GNSS for the upcoming SSA/LACSC meeting that will take place in Miami, Florida from May 14-17, 2018.

The two sessions are:
1. Real-Time GNSS Applications for Early Warning Systems
2. Real-Time GNSS Network Operations

If you are interested mostly on how RT GNSS data is being used for EWS consider submitting an abstract for the first session, or
if mostly interested in setting up or want to show how your agency is routing the GNSS data for RT uses consider submitting
to the second session.

Here is the summary for Session RT GNSS applications for Early Warning Systems:
A fundamental aspect of Real-Time GNSS operations is the capability to obtain physical charactersitics of the rupture process after the onset of an earthquake. Of particular interest is the ability to use rupture parameters to assess the effects of strong ground motions and a potentially ensuing tsunami. This session seeks contributions of the latest approaches in using Real-Time GNSS data to be applied in source inversion algorithms and to produce seismic parameters in seconds to minutes after the occurrence of an earthquake. In addition, contributions describing how such results are applied for shaking and tsunami intensity forecasts (i.e. for early warning systems) are highly welcome and desirable. The type of Real-Time communication data flow from a recording site to a collecting/processing server, correction schemes employed for precise point positioning, data manipulation, visualization of data and other steps carried out in the estimation of source parameters are likely contributions expected for this session. The methods that have been developed in recent years and are being modified today reflect an innovative and emerging tool that is promising for the early warning systems of the future.
Conveners: Alberto López (UPRM), Diego Melgar (UOregon), Sebastián Riquelme (DGF, U of Chile)

Here is the summary for the RT GNSS Network Operations Session:
Real-time data streaming is becoming an increasingly important method of geodetic data collection around the world. High-rate, low-latency GNSS data is now an essential component in tectonic and crustal deformation studies, meteorological data analysis, atmospheric studies and volcano and landslide monitoring and is becoming an integral part of nascent Early Earthquake and Tsunami Warning systems. In this session we wish to provide a venue for those involved in operating such networks to discuss issues presented both in the field and at the Network Operations Center (NOC) when operating in real-time mode. The merging of operations of GNSS and seismic networks is of particular interest.

We welcome contributions that discuss issues such as: what is required in the field to ensure highly reliable data flow from site to the NOC, what can be done to maintain low-latency, high-rate data steams without overburdening communications, how can redundancy be built into data paths and how to leverage existing infrastructure in seismic networks to enable GNSS data flow and vice versa? On the data operations side we encourage presentations that describe the use of casters or other protocols to collect and distribute the data and the computer infrastructure required to manage data operations. Other topics of interest include: how are latency and completeness monitored, the development of data retrieval methods to attain an archival quality data set and, how can data be quality assessed in a near-real-time manner.

Conveners: Kathleen Hodgkinson and David Mencin (UNAVCO), Alberto López and Victor Huérfano (PRSN)

Feel free to send us an email with questions or intent to submit an abstract, and feel free to pass on this email to any one you know that might be interested in submitting an abstract to these sessions.

Hope to see you in Miami!

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Alberto M. López Venegas, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Geology
University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681
(787) 832-4040 x.2704
(847) 217-3828 (cel.)
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