Thread: how to convert macro file to ps file

Started: 2009-01-21 19:46:05
Last activity: 2009-01-21 19:46:05
Topics: SAC Help
b shirisha
2009-01-21 19:46:05
Dear All

is there any sac command to convert macro file to ps file. The macro
file contains intial event and final event in the same graphical window. so
by converting it to ps file format we got only intial event, the commands we
used for ps file conversion are

*SAC> bg sgf*
*SAC> p2*
*SAC>sgftops f001.sgf <file name with .ps extension>*
the script of macro file is as follows

*xlable "time @(s@)" size tiny
xdiv power off
fileid off
color on i on l black blue
gtext font 1 size small
symbol off
ylable off
ylim -98341.4 85221.8
title "Final bsr , 1.03672"
xvport 0.550000 0.900000
yvport 1.00000E-01 0.660000
xlim 1107.04 1548.04
read datf1.bsr synf1.bsr
ylim -77907.1 78657.5
title "Intial bsr , 3.15267"
xvport 1.00000E-01 0.450000
yvport 1.00000E-01 0.660000
xlim 1107.04 1548.04
read datf1.bsr syns1.bsr^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^^@^@^@^*

10:59:08 v.e73c6799