-------------------Message forwarded from Terry Plank-------------------
Hello Subduction Community,
I am writing to follow up from the AGU Town Hall on "Coordinating Subduction Hazard Science," to recap what was presented in December in new Orleans and to fill in those of you who couldn't make it. This is also an update on SZ4D activities in general.
The Town Hall was motivated by the release of four reports in the last 9 months, and we heard about each of them from the following individuals:
Harold Tobin (Univ. Wisconsin)
The SZ4D Initiative: Understanding the Processes that Underlie Subduction Zone Hazards in 4D (2017)
(A Vision Document to NSF)
Michael Manga (UC Berkeley)
ERUPT: Volcanic Eruptions and Their Repose, Unrest, Precursors, and Timing (2017)
(A Report by the National Academy of Science)
Jenna Hill (USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Center)
Reducing Risk Where Tectonic Plates Collide (2017)
(USGS Circular)
Gerald Bawden (NASA, Earth Surface and Interior)
Thriving on Our Changing Planet: //A Decadal Strategy for Earth Observation from Space (2018)
(A Report by the National Academy of Science))
We then heard a series of 1-2 minute lightning presentations from representatives of different groups planning community projects:
*• Community Volcano Experiment (COVE) - Brandon Schmandt (New Mexico)**
**• Experimental Workshop - Phil Skemer (Wash Univ, StL)**
**• Modeling Collaboratory RCN– Amanda Thomas (Oregon)**
**• Workshop on Volcanoes – Pete LaFeminia (Penn State)**
**• Seafloor Geodesy – Andy Newman (GaTech)**
**• IRIS International – Anne Meltzer (Lehigh)**
**• Volcano Rapid Response RCN – David Fee (Univ of Alaska)
Short summaries of these ongoing community efforts appear below FYI, with folks to contact if you are interested in providing input or getting involved. Many of these efforts are in the gestation stage. Some are happening soon! For example, please note the Jan 15 deadline to apply for the Conference on Experimental Studies of Subduction Zone Processes! Note that an Umbrella SZ4D Research Coordination Network is being planned that would provide a web site and central clearinghouse for this kind of Subduction Community information in the future.
There are a lot of subduction-related workshops, working groups, community efforts being planned for the future - please plan to participate!
- Terry Plank
(in case the formatting below is wonky, you can find the full list here:
SZ4D - Community Efforts Ongoing
SZ4D Umbrella/ Coordinating Committee
To build network ties among the disparate groups working on these themes, and shape implementation plans based on the SZ4D Vision document, through focused thematic working group meetings, and
To act as a central communication channel for the burgeoning activities of the various thematic teams, PI groups, agencies (USGS, NOAA, NASA, NSF) and international partners involved in or linked to SZ4D.
Who: Harold Tobin (Wisconsin, Lead PI), Emily Brodsky (UC Santa Cruz), Melodie French (Rice U.), Matt Haney (USGS, Alaska), Diego Melgar (U. Oregon), Sarah Penniston-Dorland (U. Maryland), Terry Plank (LDEO), Diana Roman (Carnegie), Doug Wiens (Wash. U)
Additional members TBA:
What: Creating working groups on areas of key science development:
What Controls the Mode of Slip along the Megathrust?
Magmatic Drivers of Eruption
Forearcs, Faults, Landslides
“What Do I Do When my Megathrust/Volcano Starts Acting Up?” (Internationally)
Documents: See one-pager -- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UNhAO0g4O7u9BAZ9wl6QcWjer8rFS5nY/view?usp=sharing
Status: NSF RCN proposal planned submission January 2018
For input, contact: Harold Tobin (htobin<at>wisc.edu)
Conference on Experimental Studies of Subduction Zone Processes
Purpose: The objective of this conference is to discuss infrastructural needs of the experimental groups who study subduction processes. Experimental science directly informs diverse subduction research into earthquake timing and location, magma transport, and volcanic eruptions, through the study of material properties: viscosity, friction, dynamic rupture, poroelasticity, electrical conductivity, phase equilibria, melting, geothermobarometry, permeability, reaction kinetics, and diffusion.
Who: Phil Skemer (Wash Univ. St Louis, Chair), Cici Cruz-Uribe (U Maine), Melodie French (Rice U.) Hiroko Kitajima (Texas A&M), Mike Krawczynski (Washington Univ. in St. Louis), Wenlu Zhu, (U. Maryland)
What: Participants for the conference will be drawn from the experimental rock mechanics, experimental petrology/volcanology, and mineral physics communities. Topics to be discussed include community organization and coordination, data and methodological standardization, and technical issues related to experimental studies on subduction zone materials.
Documents: See webpage -- https://sites.wustl.edu/esszp/
Status: Conference Date: June 5-6, 2018 (St. Louis)
Application Deadline: January 15, 2018
Seafloor Workshop Initiative - Seafloor Sensors
Purpose: To connect Engineering with Geophysics, in the development of observational capabilities for seafloor measurements
Who: Organized by Scripps, WHOI, IRIS (Lead) and UNAVCO
What: Topics include
i. Sub-sea communication
ii. Battery technology
iii. Timing
iv. Robotics
Status: Proposal submitted to NSF-OCE Fall 2017 following solicitation to connect technologies from Engineering with Ocean Sciences
Workshop would be in San Diego
Contact: Mark Zumberge (mzumberge<at>ucsd.edu)
Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction Zone Science
Purpose: To plan the specifics of a Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction Zone Science (MCS) and explore the science questions centered around developing physical models of short- to long-term deformation associated with the megathrust and arc volcano systems, including and up to rupture and eruption.
Who: Thorsten Becker (U. Texas, Lead PI) with Kyle Anderson (USGS Menlo Park), Magali Billen (UC Davis), Chuck Connor (U South Florida), Eric Dunham (Stanford), Helge Gonnermann (Rice), Kaj Johnson (Indiana U), Amanda Thomas (U Oregon), Ikuko Wada (U Minnesota)
--Models will integrate constraints from international subduction zone observatories, field, and laboratory observations into a systems-level modeling framework that allows analysis of earthquake and volcano generating processes
--Collaboratory will develop new tools, integrate formerly separate modeling efforts, evaluate approaches for crossing spatial and temporal scales, and identify knowledge gaps that limit our understanding of subduction zone processes
--These goals will be accomplished through a series of workshops (earthquake system, volcano system, and fluid/melt generation and migration) and a webinar series on cyber infrastructure needs/capabilities
Documents: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jk3j6htx3s7drmz/proposal_final.pdf?dl=0
Status: NSF RCN proposal planned submission January 2018
Contact: Thorsten Becker (twb<at>ig.utexas.edu)
Community Response to Volcanic Events
Coordinate responses by the research community to volcanic eruptions to overcome observational bias and advance volcano science.
Prepare the US volcano science community for responding to volcanic eruptions.
Who: Tobias Fischer (U. N.Mexico, Lead PI) and a 6 person steering committee
-- Workshops and information sharing, among Geophysics, Geochemistry, Eruption Process and Products, Modeling and Communication working groups
-- Coordination between USGS and academic institutions
Status: NSF RCN proposal planned submission January 2018
Contact: Tobias Fischer (fischer<at>unm.edu)
PREEVENTS Track 1 Conferences
Purpose: PREEVENTS is intended to encourage new scientific directions in the domains of natural hazards and extreme events. Track 1 Conference proposals may be submitted for up to $50K.
What: Conferences that will foster development of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary communities required to address complex questions surrounding natural hazards and extreme events.
Documents: NSF Solicitation, https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2016/nsf16562/nsf16562.htm
Status: Looking for volunteers.
Are you interested in writing a PREEVENTS Proposal within the scope of SZ4D?
Track 1 proposals may be submitted at any time within the submission windows
Contact Harold Tobin (htobin<at>wisc.edu) or Terry Plank (tplank<at>LDEO.columbia.edu) to coordinate.
COVE: Community Volcano Experiment
Purpose: To collect open access data at community volcano(es) in order to develop integrated physical and chemical models of volcanic processes.
Who: Brandon Schmandt (U. New Mexico, Lead PI), David Fee (U. Alaska Fairbanks), Tobias Fischer (U. New Mexico), Esteban Gazel (Cornell U.) Ronni Grapenthin (New Mexico Tech.), Einat Lev (LDEO), Christelle Wauthier (Penn. State U.)
‘community volcano’ sites would likely target one or a small cluster of volcanoes and obtain a level of multidisciplinary observations that are not typically feasible for individual researchers or small groups.
COVE would focus on data collection and dissemination only, and all data and data products would be immediately open access to enable broad participation of the international research community with cutting-edge observational constraints.
Status: NSF proposal submission planned
Contact: Brandon Schmandt (bschmandt<at>unm.edu)
Workshop on Volcanoes
Collect and synthesize synchronous ground- and satellite-based multiparameter observations of volcanic activity at a continuously active or restless 'laboratory volcano'
Provide US graduate students with experience collecting, analyzing, and interpreting different types of volcanological observations
Train local students and observatory personnel in the same methods
Provide an immersive networking opportunity for students and international collaborators.
Who: Diana Roman (Carnegie, Lead PI), Greg Waite (Michigan tech), Tobias Fischer (U. New Mexico), Simon Carn (Michigan Tech), Matt Pritchard (Cornell), Ashley Davies (JPL), David Fee (U. Alaska), Jeff Johnson (Boise), Pete LaFemina (Penn State), Einat Lev (LDEO), Ben Andrews (Smithsonian), Philipp Ruprecht (U. Nevada Reno)
What: Workshop on Volcano: ~50 students and PIs, including students from host country:
72 hours of continuous, synchronized data collection by PI group
Classroom lectures, instrument demos, group data reduction, group presentations, outreach
Follow-up workshop (PIs): Final data synthesis, manuscript and workshop report
Status: Tentatively Planned Feb 2019 on Masaya Volcano, Granada, Nicaragua
Proposal submission to NSF and NASA in progress
Contact: Diana Roman (droman<at>carnegiescience.edu)
Community Science Workshop for Seafloor Geodesy
Purpose: To bring together individuals within the active research community to highlight the science that can be done with current and emerging sea-floor geodetic tools, and to identify the the infrastructure needed to mitigate geologic risk, and to answer the dominant scientific questions that exist with the geodetic communities.
Who: Organizing Committee including representatives from Georgia Tech (Andrew Newman, Lead PI), Lamont (Sphar Webb), Scripps (Dave Chadwell), Missouri (Noel Bartlow), and University of Washington (Dave Schmidt), with additional membership TBA.
What: Workshop planned in Atlanta, likely late summer 2018, aimed at ~50 participants, with substantial support for emerging scientists and graduate students.
Status: Proposal is still in planning stage, submission should be in (Jan./Feb. 2018.). We are hopeful to gain support from NSF-OCE/EAR,NASA
Contact: Andrew Newman (anewman<at>gatech.edu)
SZ4D International
Purpose: To promote international capacity building to catalyze subduction zone science.
Who: Anne Meltzer (Lehigh Univ.), Sergio Barrientos (Univ. Chile), Xyoli Perez Campos (IG-UNAM), Philippe Charvis (Univ. Nice, CNRS, IRD), Bob Detrick (IRIS), Karen Fischer (Brown Univ.), Andy Frassetto (IRIS), Jeff Freymueller (Univ. Alaska), Gavin Hayes (USGS), Stephen Holtkamp (Univ. Alaska), Shuichi Kodaira (JAMSTEC), Meghan Miller (ANU), Meghan Miller (UNAVCO), Mario Ruiz (IG-EPN), Kerry Sieh (EOS), Frederik Tillman (GFZ), Harold Tobin (Univ. Wisconsin), Doug Wiens (Washington Univ.), Bob Woodward (IRIS).
What: Build partnerships internationally to leverage, enhance, and develop human and technical infrastructure to catalyze subduction zone science. Infrastructure is defined broadly to include technical capabilities for observation and analysis (instrumentation, telemetry, computation), data (archiving, management, dissemination, integration), and people.
Documents: Kick-off meeting summary (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kMW21bKvw2_d0iK4moaDcgWaABuMw2D_/view?usp=sharing )
Status: Under development. NSF RCN proposal submission planned for 2018.
Interested in participating? Contact: Anne Meltzer (ameltzer<at>lehigh.edu)
On the Horizon:
GeoPrisms Synthesis Theoretical and Experimental Institute (TEI)
Planned for February 2019
Contact: Demian Saffer (dms45<at>psu.edu)
Hello Subduction Community,
I am writing to follow up from the AGU Town Hall on "Coordinating Subduction Hazard Science," to recap what was presented in December in new Orleans and to fill in those of you who couldn't make it. This is also an update on SZ4D activities in general.
The Town Hall was motivated by the release of four reports in the last 9 months, and we heard about each of them from the following individuals:
Harold Tobin (Univ. Wisconsin)
The SZ4D Initiative: Understanding the Processes that Underlie Subduction Zone Hazards in 4D (2017)
(A Vision Document to NSF)
Michael Manga (UC Berkeley)
ERUPT: Volcanic Eruptions and Their Repose, Unrest, Precursors, and Timing (2017)
(A Report by the National Academy of Science)
Jenna Hill (USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Center)
Reducing Risk Where Tectonic Plates Collide (2017)
(USGS Circular)
Gerald Bawden (NASA, Earth Surface and Interior)
Thriving on Our Changing Planet: //A Decadal Strategy for Earth Observation from Space (2018)
(A Report by the National Academy of Science))
We then heard a series of 1-2 minute lightning presentations from representatives of different groups planning community projects:
*• Community Volcano Experiment (COVE) - Brandon Schmandt (New Mexico)**
**• Experimental Workshop - Phil Skemer (Wash Univ, StL)**
**• Modeling Collaboratory RCN– Amanda Thomas (Oregon)**
**• Workshop on Volcanoes – Pete LaFeminia (Penn State)**
**• Seafloor Geodesy – Andy Newman (GaTech)**
**• IRIS International – Anne Meltzer (Lehigh)**
**• Volcano Rapid Response RCN – David Fee (Univ of Alaska)
Short summaries of these ongoing community efforts appear below FYI, with folks to contact if you are interested in providing input or getting involved. Many of these efforts are in the gestation stage. Some are happening soon! For example, please note the Jan 15 deadline to apply for the Conference on Experimental Studies of Subduction Zone Processes! Note that an Umbrella SZ4D Research Coordination Network is being planned that would provide a web site and central clearinghouse for this kind of Subduction Community information in the future.
There are a lot of subduction-related workshops, working groups, community efforts being planned for the future - please plan to participate!
- Terry Plank
(in case the formatting below is wonky, you can find the full list here:
SZ4D - Community Efforts Ongoing
SZ4D Umbrella/ Coordinating Committee
To build network ties among the disparate groups working on these themes, and shape implementation plans based on the SZ4D Vision document, through focused thematic working group meetings, and
To act as a central communication channel for the burgeoning activities of the various thematic teams, PI groups, agencies (USGS, NOAA, NASA, NSF) and international partners involved in or linked to SZ4D.
Who: Harold Tobin (Wisconsin, Lead PI), Emily Brodsky (UC Santa Cruz), Melodie French (Rice U.), Matt Haney (USGS, Alaska), Diego Melgar (U. Oregon), Sarah Penniston-Dorland (U. Maryland), Terry Plank (LDEO), Diana Roman (Carnegie), Doug Wiens (Wash. U)
Additional members TBA:
What: Creating working groups on areas of key science development:
What Controls the Mode of Slip along the Megathrust?
Magmatic Drivers of Eruption
Forearcs, Faults, Landslides
“What Do I Do When my Megathrust/Volcano Starts Acting Up?” (Internationally)
Documents: See one-pager -- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UNhAO0g4O7u9BAZ9wl6QcWjer8rFS5nY/view?usp=sharing
Status: NSF RCN proposal planned submission January 2018
For input, contact: Harold Tobin (htobin<at>wisc.edu)
Conference on Experimental Studies of Subduction Zone Processes
Purpose: The objective of this conference is to discuss infrastructural needs of the experimental groups who study subduction processes. Experimental science directly informs diverse subduction research into earthquake timing and location, magma transport, and volcanic eruptions, through the study of material properties: viscosity, friction, dynamic rupture, poroelasticity, electrical conductivity, phase equilibria, melting, geothermobarometry, permeability, reaction kinetics, and diffusion.
Who: Phil Skemer (Wash Univ. St Louis, Chair), Cici Cruz-Uribe (U Maine), Melodie French (Rice U.) Hiroko Kitajima (Texas A&M), Mike Krawczynski (Washington Univ. in St. Louis), Wenlu Zhu, (U. Maryland)
What: Participants for the conference will be drawn from the experimental rock mechanics, experimental petrology/volcanology, and mineral physics communities. Topics to be discussed include community organization and coordination, data and methodological standardization, and technical issues related to experimental studies on subduction zone materials.
Documents: See webpage -- https://sites.wustl.edu/esszp/
Status: Conference Date: June 5-6, 2018 (St. Louis)
Application Deadline: January 15, 2018
Seafloor Workshop Initiative - Seafloor Sensors
Purpose: To connect Engineering with Geophysics, in the development of observational capabilities for seafloor measurements
Who: Organized by Scripps, WHOI, IRIS (Lead) and UNAVCO
What: Topics include
i. Sub-sea communication
ii. Battery technology
iii. Timing
iv. Robotics
Status: Proposal submitted to NSF-OCE Fall 2017 following solicitation to connect technologies from Engineering with Ocean Sciences
Workshop would be in San Diego
Contact: Mark Zumberge (mzumberge<at>ucsd.edu)
Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction Zone Science
Purpose: To plan the specifics of a Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction Zone Science (MCS) and explore the science questions centered around developing physical models of short- to long-term deformation associated with the megathrust and arc volcano systems, including and up to rupture and eruption.
Who: Thorsten Becker (U. Texas, Lead PI) with Kyle Anderson (USGS Menlo Park), Magali Billen (UC Davis), Chuck Connor (U South Florida), Eric Dunham (Stanford), Helge Gonnermann (Rice), Kaj Johnson (Indiana U), Amanda Thomas (U Oregon), Ikuko Wada (U Minnesota)
--Models will integrate constraints from international subduction zone observatories, field, and laboratory observations into a systems-level modeling framework that allows analysis of earthquake and volcano generating processes
--Collaboratory will develop new tools, integrate formerly separate modeling efforts, evaluate approaches for crossing spatial and temporal scales, and identify knowledge gaps that limit our understanding of subduction zone processes
--These goals will be accomplished through a series of workshops (earthquake system, volcano system, and fluid/melt generation and migration) and a webinar series on cyber infrastructure needs/capabilities
Documents: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jk3j6htx3s7drmz/proposal_final.pdf?dl=0
Status: NSF RCN proposal planned submission January 2018
Contact: Thorsten Becker (twb<at>ig.utexas.edu)
Community Response to Volcanic Events
Coordinate responses by the research community to volcanic eruptions to overcome observational bias and advance volcano science.
Prepare the US volcano science community for responding to volcanic eruptions.
Who: Tobias Fischer (U. N.Mexico, Lead PI) and a 6 person steering committee
-- Workshops and information sharing, among Geophysics, Geochemistry, Eruption Process and Products, Modeling and Communication working groups
-- Coordination between USGS and academic institutions
Status: NSF RCN proposal planned submission January 2018
Contact: Tobias Fischer (fischer<at>unm.edu)
PREEVENTS Track 1 Conferences
Purpose: PREEVENTS is intended to encourage new scientific directions in the domains of natural hazards and extreme events. Track 1 Conference proposals may be submitted for up to $50K.
What: Conferences that will foster development of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary communities required to address complex questions surrounding natural hazards and extreme events.
Documents: NSF Solicitation, https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2016/nsf16562/nsf16562.htm
Status: Looking for volunteers.
Are you interested in writing a PREEVENTS Proposal within the scope of SZ4D?
Track 1 proposals may be submitted at any time within the submission windows
Contact Harold Tobin (htobin<at>wisc.edu) or Terry Plank (tplank<at>LDEO.columbia.edu) to coordinate.
COVE: Community Volcano Experiment
Purpose: To collect open access data at community volcano(es) in order to develop integrated physical and chemical models of volcanic processes.
Who: Brandon Schmandt (U. New Mexico, Lead PI), David Fee (U. Alaska Fairbanks), Tobias Fischer (U. New Mexico), Esteban Gazel (Cornell U.) Ronni Grapenthin (New Mexico Tech.), Einat Lev (LDEO), Christelle Wauthier (Penn. State U.)
‘community volcano’ sites would likely target one or a small cluster of volcanoes and obtain a level of multidisciplinary observations that are not typically feasible for individual researchers or small groups.
COVE would focus on data collection and dissemination only, and all data and data products would be immediately open access to enable broad participation of the international research community with cutting-edge observational constraints.
Status: NSF proposal submission planned
Contact: Brandon Schmandt (bschmandt<at>unm.edu)
Workshop on Volcanoes
Collect and synthesize synchronous ground- and satellite-based multiparameter observations of volcanic activity at a continuously active or restless 'laboratory volcano'
Provide US graduate students with experience collecting, analyzing, and interpreting different types of volcanological observations
Train local students and observatory personnel in the same methods
Provide an immersive networking opportunity for students and international collaborators.
Who: Diana Roman (Carnegie, Lead PI), Greg Waite (Michigan tech), Tobias Fischer (U. New Mexico), Simon Carn (Michigan Tech), Matt Pritchard (Cornell), Ashley Davies (JPL), David Fee (U. Alaska), Jeff Johnson (Boise), Pete LaFemina (Penn State), Einat Lev (LDEO), Ben Andrews (Smithsonian), Philipp Ruprecht (U. Nevada Reno)
What: Workshop on Volcano: ~50 students and PIs, including students from host country:
72 hours of continuous, synchronized data collection by PI group
Classroom lectures, instrument demos, group data reduction, group presentations, outreach
Follow-up workshop (PIs): Final data synthesis, manuscript and workshop report
Status: Tentatively Planned Feb 2019 on Masaya Volcano, Granada, Nicaragua
Proposal submission to NSF and NASA in progress
Contact: Diana Roman (droman<at>carnegiescience.edu)
Community Science Workshop for Seafloor Geodesy
Purpose: To bring together individuals within the active research community to highlight the science that can be done with current and emerging sea-floor geodetic tools, and to identify the the infrastructure needed to mitigate geologic risk, and to answer the dominant scientific questions that exist with the geodetic communities.
Who: Organizing Committee including representatives from Georgia Tech (Andrew Newman, Lead PI), Lamont (Sphar Webb), Scripps (Dave Chadwell), Missouri (Noel Bartlow), and University of Washington (Dave Schmidt), with additional membership TBA.
What: Workshop planned in Atlanta, likely late summer 2018, aimed at ~50 participants, with substantial support for emerging scientists and graduate students.
Status: Proposal is still in planning stage, submission should be in (Jan./Feb. 2018.). We are hopeful to gain support from NSF-OCE/EAR,NASA
Contact: Andrew Newman (anewman<at>gatech.edu)
SZ4D International
Purpose: To promote international capacity building to catalyze subduction zone science.
Who: Anne Meltzer (Lehigh Univ.), Sergio Barrientos (Univ. Chile), Xyoli Perez Campos (IG-UNAM), Philippe Charvis (Univ. Nice, CNRS, IRD), Bob Detrick (IRIS), Karen Fischer (Brown Univ.), Andy Frassetto (IRIS), Jeff Freymueller (Univ. Alaska), Gavin Hayes (USGS), Stephen Holtkamp (Univ. Alaska), Shuichi Kodaira (JAMSTEC), Meghan Miller (ANU), Meghan Miller (UNAVCO), Mario Ruiz (IG-EPN), Kerry Sieh (EOS), Frederik Tillman (GFZ), Harold Tobin (Univ. Wisconsin), Doug Wiens (Washington Univ.), Bob Woodward (IRIS).
What: Build partnerships internationally to leverage, enhance, and develop human and technical infrastructure to catalyze subduction zone science. Infrastructure is defined broadly to include technical capabilities for observation and analysis (instrumentation, telemetry, computation), data (archiving, management, dissemination, integration), and people.
Documents: Kick-off meeting summary (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kMW21bKvw2_d0iK4moaDcgWaABuMw2D_/view?usp=sharing )
Status: Under development. NSF RCN proposal submission planned for 2018.
Interested in participating? Contact: Anne Meltzer (ameltzer<at>lehigh.edu)
On the Horizon:
GeoPrisms Synthesis Theoretical and Experimental Institute (TEI)
Planned for February 2019
Contact: Demian Saffer (dms45<at>psu.edu)