Thread: Keiiti Aki Young Scientist Award nominations due April 15, 2018

Started: 2018-02-06 13:19:41
Last activity: 2018-02-06 13:19:41
Dear seismology colleagues,

The Keiiti Aki Young Scientist Award recognizes the scientific
accomplishments of young scientists in the field of seismology. Please
consider nominating your junior colleagues or collaborators, or other early
career scientists whose work you know and appreciate. Helping to nominate
these deserving individuals is one way you can help the community recognize
their budding contributions to seismology, and we hope you can contribute.
If you know of deserving candidates but for some reason cannot nominate
them, please feel free to contact Bill Ellsworth (wellsworth<at>,
chair of the Seismology Section nominations committee, with your thoughts.
Further details about the Aki Award nominations are below.

Nominees for the Aki Award in 2018 should have obtained their Ph.D. in
2015-2017*. They should be a member of AGU with a primary affiliation in
the Seismology Section. Evaluation of candidates will be based on the
quality of papers arising from Ph.D. thesis work, or work done shortly
after the Ph.D. Nominations are due by April 15, 2018 and should be
submitted through the AGU website (

Nominations include (1) a nomination letter, (2) the candidate's curriculum
vitae, (3) copies of published or in-press manuscripts that illustrate the
quality of the candidate's work, and (4) up to three letters of
recommendation. Nominations and supporting letters should describe the
substance and quality of the nominee's research accomplishments.

*Ph.D. degrees should be awarded in the three year period prior to January
1, 2018. If parental leave was provided by the nominee's institution and
taken by the nominee during this three-year period, it can extend the
eligibility period.

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