Thread: look for SAC2AH program

Started: 2018-03-13 04:54:44
Last activity: 2018-03-13 05:04:04
Topics: SAC Help
2018-03-13 04:54:44
Hello,We have waveform records in SAC format and instrument files. We need AH format for a program.Some of you may keep SAC2AH program (Linux version, or source code). Could you possibly provide us one copy? Thanks in advance.Regards,Shutian

  • Charlotte Rowe
    2018-03-13 05:04:04
    you can download the source code yourself from IRIS:

    Dr. Charlotte A. Rowe
    EES-17, MS F-665
    Seismologist, Geophysics Group
    Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Ph: 505-665-6404, Cell: 505-500-2486

    "Never eat more than you can lift"
    -------- Miss Piggy

    ************* Correspondence ***************

    From: sac-help-bounce<at> <sac-help-bounce<at>> on behalf of Shutian <shutian33<at>>
    Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 3:55 PM
    To: SAC Help
    Subject: [IRIS][sac-help] look for SAC2AH program

    We have waveform records in SAC format and instrument files. We need AH format for a program.
    Some of you may keep SAC2AH program (Linux version, or source code). Could you possibly provide us one copy? Thanks in advance.

23:49:54 v.af9cd46b