2018-03-14 17:22:08
Two researcher positions are currently available at the Berkeley Seismology
Lab. One with a focus in geodesy and the other in data science. The
complete listing is available here:
Review of applicants will begin on March 22nd.
The Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL) provides robust hazard
information while engaging in fundamental geophysical research. Throughout
the BSL's long history of innovation beginning with the 1887 installation
of the first seismograph in the western hemisphere, our commitment to
probing the Earth's deepest secrets has remained unchanged.
Researcher - Data Science
The available position could be filled as an Assistant Researcher,
Associate Researcher or Researcher depending on the qualifications and
research goals of the applicant. The successful candidate will manage the
operation and development of MyShake—a global smartphone seismic
network—apply data science tools/algorithms to seismological research
problems, and will also engage in additional research activities depending
on their interests.
MyShake is a crowdsourcing smartphone seismic network with more than
300,000 participants to date. Since release in February 2016, MyShake users
recorded more than 800 earthquakes globally. The initial observations from
MyShake data show the potential to use the network for both seismological
and engineering applications. Responsibilities as MyShake lead include
overseeing the operation of the network, working with developers to oversee
maintenance, developing new functions, improving earthquake early warning,
integrating other types of data, and exploring the data recorded by MyShake
for other seismological applications.
Data science enables the application of various tools and algorithms on the
available data to extract new discoveries. At BSL, various research
activities involving machine learning and data science are underway. The
candidate will engage with additional groups across campus including the
Berkeley Data Science Institute to develop new projects.
2. Researcher - Seismology/Geodesy
The available position could be filled as an Assistant Researcher,
Associate Researcher or Researcher depending on the qualifications and
research goals of the applicant. The successful candidate will manage the
operation of BARD, the BSL's network of permanent, continuously telemetered
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations, and will also engage in
additional research activities.
BARD is a network of 32 permanent GNSS stations located throughout northern
and central California operated by the BSL. The data are telemetered
continuously to UC Berkeley. Responsibilities as BARD lead include:
assuring the high quality and completeness of the BARD data, providing
guidance to the BSL field engineering and IT teams for necessary
maintenance, upgrades and code developments; responsibility for making sure
that the data are available to US Geological Survey (USGS) scientists and
other users in a timely manner, and that information on the BARD website is
current; coordination of data exchange and real time processing with the
geodetic team at the USGS/Menlo Park and the seismic networks teams at BSL
and USGS, and development of methodologies for the use of GNSS data to
produce rapid, real time earthquake information.
Richard M. Allen
Director, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
Class of 1954 Professor and Chair, Dept. Earth & Planetary Science
University of California, Berkeley -- http://rallen.berkeley.edu --
twitter: @RAllenQuakes
Lab. One with a focus in geodesy and the other in data science. The
complete listing is available here:
Review of applicants will begin on March 22nd.
The Berkeley Seismological Laboratory (BSL) provides robust hazard
information while engaging in fundamental geophysical research. Throughout
the BSL's long history of innovation beginning with the 1887 installation
of the first seismograph in the western hemisphere, our commitment to
probing the Earth's deepest secrets has remained unchanged.
Researcher - Data Science
The available position could be filled as an Assistant Researcher,
Associate Researcher or Researcher depending on the qualifications and
research goals of the applicant. The successful candidate will manage the
operation and development of MyShake—a global smartphone seismic
network—apply data science tools/algorithms to seismological research
problems, and will also engage in additional research activities depending
on their interests.
MyShake is a crowdsourcing smartphone seismic network with more than
300,000 participants to date. Since release in February 2016, MyShake users
recorded more than 800 earthquakes globally. The initial observations from
MyShake data show the potential to use the network for both seismological
and engineering applications. Responsibilities as MyShake lead include
overseeing the operation of the network, working with developers to oversee
maintenance, developing new functions, improving earthquake early warning,
integrating other types of data, and exploring the data recorded by MyShake
for other seismological applications.
Data science enables the application of various tools and algorithms on the
available data to extract new discoveries. At BSL, various research
activities involving machine learning and data science are underway. The
candidate will engage with additional groups across campus including the
Berkeley Data Science Institute to develop new projects.
2. Researcher - Seismology/Geodesy
The available position could be filled as an Assistant Researcher,
Associate Researcher or Researcher depending on the qualifications and
research goals of the applicant. The successful candidate will manage the
operation of BARD, the BSL's network of permanent, continuously telemetered
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations, and will also engage in
additional research activities.
BARD is a network of 32 permanent GNSS stations located throughout northern
and central California operated by the BSL. The data are telemetered
continuously to UC Berkeley. Responsibilities as BARD lead include:
assuring the high quality and completeness of the BARD data, providing
guidance to the BSL field engineering and IT teams for necessary
maintenance, upgrades and code developments; responsibility for making sure
that the data are available to US Geological Survey (USGS) scientists and
other users in a timely manner, and that information on the BARD website is
current; coordination of data exchange and real time processing with the
geodetic team at the USGS/Menlo Park and the seismic networks teams at BSL
and USGS, and development of methodologies for the use of GNSS data to
produce rapid, real time earthquake information.
Richard M. Allen
Director, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
Class of 1954 Professor and Chair, Dept. Earth & Planetary Science
University of California, Berkeley -- http://rallen.berkeley.edu --
twitter: @RAllenQuakes