Thread: Installation guide on windows 10 or Ubuntu in virtual box

Started: 2018-03-28 21:55:49
Last activity: 2018-03-28 21:55:49
Topics: SAC Help
Alessandro Todrani
2018-03-28 21:55:49
i'm a master's student in Seismology and i need you help, if there is

I'm writing you because i have required SAC program on IRIS platform so i
can start my master's degree thesis on seismogramm and seismic analysis.

I have some installation problems, because i have windows 10 with a Virtual
Box. In a virtual box i have installed Ubuntu 17.01.
Do you have an installation guide for install Sac directly on Virtual Box
installed on windows 10, or an installation guide for put SAC on Ubuntu
17.01 installed on Virtual Box?

Thank you for your comprenshion, and excuse me for my ignorance.

I'm waiting your answer.

Best regards,

Alessandro Todrani

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