Florian Haslinger
2018-04-09 18:00:59
Dear colleagues,
you might have realized that the ESC abstract submission deadline indeed did get extended – so you still have the chance until 16 April (today in a week) to submit your contribution to the seismological e-infrastructures (or any other) session!
Don’t miss out on this perfect reason to travel to Malta this fall!
Kind regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Haslinger Florian
Sent: Freitag, 16. März 2018 17:26
To: other-meetings<at>lists.ds.iris.edu
Subject: call for abstracts - ESC 2018 - S02 - Seismological e-Infrastructures and their data and products services
Dear colleagues,
with the usual but nonetheless sincere apologies for cross-posting (waiting for our computer science friends to solve that problem at some point…:-) we would like to invite all interested to participate in the session
Seismological e-Infrastructures and their data and products services
http://www.escmalta2018.eu/page/Sessions_n#S02 (find the session abstract also below),
during the ESC 2018 in Malta, from 2 to 7 September.
While his session is proposed by EPOS Seismology, we’d like to emphasize that we welcome any contribution related to building and operating e-infrastructures for seismology, on any scale (institutional, national, international) together with presentations on specific new data or products services made available to the community.
Deadline for abstract submission is 31 March 2018.
Please also note that we intend to organize another round of hands-on experiences on the fringes of the scientific programme that will provide attendees with opportunities to directly try out the various data and products discovery and access methods that are offered by EPOS Seismology. More information will be circulated as it becomes available.
Hope to see many of you in beautiful Malta!
Kind regards,
Florian Haslinger and the EPOS Seismology crew
ps - coming to EGU in April? Visit the EPOS booth!
======== S02 -Seismological e-Infrastructures and Their Data and Products Services ==========
e-infrastructure is a fashionable term used in various contexts, mainly describing the combination of advanced ICT tools and resources with scientific data and products in an effort to enable and support multi- and cross-disciplinary investigation and collaboration.
In that sense, the term accurately describes what seismologists globally are doing since decades: openly sharing data and results, and utilizing the best available computer technology to provide access to that data and to perform advanced calculations to better understand the phenomena related to the physics of the planet. Within the European Plate Observing System EPOS, a coordinated e-infrastructure is being implemented to support European solid Earth science research, and EPOS Seismology constitutes its seismological part (www.epos-ip.org/tcs/seismology). Building upon ORFEUS, EMSC, and EFEHR to cover seismic waveforms, seismological products, and seismic hazard and risk, and integrating results of recent projects e.g. in computational seismology, EPOS Seismology is putting together a broad portfolio of data and product services within a coordinated framework, fully integrated with the EPOS ICS infrastructure and with the other domains in EPOS. EPOS Seismology will also foster the testing, implementation and integration of new services and data products as they emerge from the scientific community.
In this session, we welcome contributions on all issues related to building and operating e-infrastructures for seismology, with or without connection to EPOS, and on any scale (institutional, national, international), as well as presentations on specific new data or products services made available to the community. Contributions may cover scientific background, operational implementation, data and metadata management, or governance issues.
you might have realized that the ESC abstract submission deadline indeed did get extended – so you still have the chance until 16 April (today in a week) to submit your contribution to the seismological e-infrastructures (or any other) session!
Don’t miss out on this perfect reason to travel to Malta this fall!
Kind regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Haslinger Florian
Sent: Freitag, 16. März 2018 17:26
To: other-meetings<at>lists.ds.iris.edu
Subject: call for abstracts - ESC 2018 - S02 - Seismological e-Infrastructures and their data and products services
Dear colleagues,
with the usual but nonetheless sincere apologies for cross-posting (waiting for our computer science friends to solve that problem at some point…:-) we would like to invite all interested to participate in the session
Seismological e-Infrastructures and their data and products services
http://www.escmalta2018.eu/page/Sessions_n#S02 (find the session abstract also below),
during the ESC 2018 in Malta, from 2 to 7 September.
While his session is proposed by EPOS Seismology, we’d like to emphasize that we welcome any contribution related to building and operating e-infrastructures for seismology, on any scale (institutional, national, international) together with presentations on specific new data or products services made available to the community.
Deadline for abstract submission is 31 March 2018.
Please also note that we intend to organize another round of hands-on experiences on the fringes of the scientific programme that will provide attendees with opportunities to directly try out the various data and products discovery and access methods that are offered by EPOS Seismology. More information will be circulated as it becomes available.
Hope to see many of you in beautiful Malta!
Kind regards,
Florian Haslinger and the EPOS Seismology crew
ps - coming to EGU in April? Visit the EPOS booth!
======== S02 -Seismological e-Infrastructures and Their Data and Products Services ==========
e-infrastructure is a fashionable term used in various contexts, mainly describing the combination of advanced ICT tools and resources with scientific data and products in an effort to enable and support multi- and cross-disciplinary investigation and collaboration.
In that sense, the term accurately describes what seismologists globally are doing since decades: openly sharing data and results, and utilizing the best available computer technology to provide access to that data and to perform advanced calculations to better understand the phenomena related to the physics of the planet. Within the European Plate Observing System EPOS, a coordinated e-infrastructure is being implemented to support European solid Earth science research, and EPOS Seismology constitutes its seismological part (www.epos-ip.org/tcs/seismology). Building upon ORFEUS, EMSC, and EFEHR to cover seismic waveforms, seismological products, and seismic hazard and risk, and integrating results of recent projects e.g. in computational seismology, EPOS Seismology is putting together a broad portfolio of data and product services within a coordinated framework, fully integrated with the EPOS ICS infrastructure and with the other domains in EPOS. EPOS Seismology will also foster the testing, implementation and integration of new services and data products as they emerge from the scientific community.
In this session, we welcome contributions on all issues related to building and operating e-infrastructures for seismology, with or without connection to EPOS, and on any scale (institutional, national, international), as well as presentations on specific new data or products services made available to the community. Contributions may cover scientific background, operational implementation, data and metadata management, or governance issues.