Thread: Three postdocs in seismology: New methods for passive seismic exploration

Started: 2018-05-14 21:34:52
Last activity: 2018-05-14 21:34:52
Dear Colleagues,

The Dublin Institute for Advanced Study invites applications for
3 postdoctoral positions in seismology. The positions are within
a new international project PACIFIC (Passive seismic techniques
for environmentally friendly and cost effective mineral exploration),
conducted by DIAS (where this research is led by Chris Bean
and Sergei Lebedev) jointly with the University of Grenoble and
a number of companies. The DIAS Geophysics Section is based in
the center of Dublin, Ireland, and has a broad, growing programme
in the development and application of seismic imaging methods,
from the deposit scale to regional and global scales.

The PACIFIC consortium's goal is to develop new, low-cost and
environmentally friendly tools for exploring for mineral deposits
beneath the surface. The approach will built on the "traditional"
passive seismic method, capable of providing useful broad-brush
background information about the geological and structural
setting of mineralised regions but lacking the resolution needed
for reliable identification of ore bodies. New developments
planned here should improve on this and will also have
advantages over active-source techniques, namely the relatively
low cost and minor impact on the environment. Through the
participation of mineral exploration companies in the project,
the techniques will be validated on real-world test sites.
The new methods can then be applied at a variety of scales,
in both applied and basic Earth-science research.

The position IDs and the planned scope of research for each
position are as follows.

Postdoctoral position 18PA1: Effective use of seismic methods
for mineral exploration. Evaluation of proven approaches and
workflows used in active seismic surveys. Adaptation and
implementation of the methods for imagery with passive
reflection data. Building realistic geophysical models relevant to
mineral exploration activities (models comprising structure,
physical properties, and wave propagation).

Postdoctoral position 18PA2: Modelling body waves in the
ambient seismic noise. Generation of synthetic ambient noise
data in ‘simple’ geological models, using an analytical simulator
where surface waves, body waves and near field effects can be
separated. Generation of synthetic ambient noise in complex
models of the mine area using full wavefield numerical
simulators where complex geological features can be imaged.
Testing the performance of body wave extraction methods on
these synthetic datasets. Assessment of the ability to extract
reflections to image detailed features of interest to mine

Postdoctoral position 18PA3: Auto-correlation of ambient
seismic noise for imaging the reflectivity of the subsurface.
Development of methods for the modelling and inversion of the
waveform of the auto-correlation function. The methods will be
suitable for applications to massive datasets, from the deposit
scale to global scale, and from industrial to basic-science
problems. Application of the methods to data from very large,
dense arrays in mine areas. Estimation of the 1D reflectivity
structure under each seismic station and the 3D structure
beneath the entire array.

Each position can be filled either at the New Postdoc level
(duration: 3 years; salary: €36,489 in the first year, with annual
increments thereafter) or at the Experienced Postdoc level
(duration: 2.5 years; salary: €43,394 in the first year, with
annual increments thereafter), depending on the applicant’s

Start date: June 1, 2018, or as soon as possible thereafter (flexible).

Qualifications for all three positions: a PhD in geophysics or
a related field is required. Substantial computing and
programming experience and a good command of English are
essential. A publication record commensurate with career stage
is expected. Experience in seismic imaging is desirable.

To apply: e-mail a complete academic CV, including a list of
publications, a statement of research interests, and the names
and contact details of 3 academic referees to pacific<at>,
with "Postdoctoral position <position ID>" in the subject line.
If applying for multiple positions, please include multiple position
IDs in the subject line. Consideration of applications will begin
immediately and continue until the positions are filled. For
additional information on the project, please contact
pacific<at> (include ID(s) for the position(s) of interest).
For position 18PA3, inquiries can also be sent to
Dr. Sergei Lebedev (sergei<at>

DIAS is an equal opportunity employer.

I would appreciate your passing this on to anybody potentially
interested in these opportunities.

Many thanks,

Sergei Lebedev

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