2018-06-05 19:17:56
Dear attendees of the 2018 IRIS Workshop:
Please consider attending a Special Interest Group meeting on
“*Community Input to the Working Group on Long-Term Seafloor
*Wednesday, June 13th from 2:30-3:30pm in the Zuni room *
*Conveners*: Monica Kohler and Jeffrey Park
*Purpose*: To provide input to the Working Group on Long Term Seafloor
Seismographs (WGLTSS)
on the first steps towards developing a pilot project for installation
of a high-quality permanent seismic network in the open ocean
*Description:* This SIG is for community members who are interested in
contributing to discussions that will inform the deployment of
long-term, high-quality broadband seismic stations on the seafloor to
complement existing permanent land stations. Planned topics of
discussion include: review of potential scientific targets, site
occupation characteristics (duration, data retrieval latency, sensor
types), and plans for international collaboration. The SIG will focus on
the recent activities of the IRIS GSN Working Group on Long-Term
Seafloor Seismographs, and solicit input on a draft statement for how to
move forward with pilot station recommendations. The SIG will include
brief summaries of community discussions at the 2017 OBS Symposium and
Fall AGU meeting. Findings will be presented from responses to a related
survey that was recently distributed to the global seismological
community. A draft set of recommendations will be presented for input
and comments from SIG participants.
Katrin Hafner
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS)
IRIS GSN Program Manager
Phone: (509)899-5449
e-mail: hafner<at>iris.edu
Please consider attending a Special Interest Group meeting on
“*Community Input to the Working Group on Long-Term Seafloor
*Wednesday, June 13th from 2:30-3:30pm in the Zuni room *
*Conveners*: Monica Kohler and Jeffrey Park
*Purpose*: To provide input to the Working Group on Long Term Seafloor
Seismographs (WGLTSS)
on the first steps towards developing a pilot project for installation
of a high-quality permanent seismic network in the open ocean
*Description:* This SIG is for community members who are interested in
contributing to discussions that will inform the deployment of
long-term, high-quality broadband seismic stations on the seafloor to
complement existing permanent land stations. Planned topics of
discussion include: review of potential scientific targets, site
occupation characteristics (duration, data retrieval latency, sensor
types), and plans for international collaboration. The SIG will focus on
the recent activities of the IRIS GSN Working Group on Long-Term
Seafloor Seismographs, and solicit input on a draft statement for how to
move forward with pilot station recommendations. The SIG will include
brief summaries of community discussions at the 2017 OBS Symposium and
Fall AGU meeting. Findings will be presented from responses to a related
survey that was recently distributed to the global seismological
community. A draft set of recommendations will be presented for input
and comments from SIG participants.
Katrin Hafner
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS)
IRIS GSN Program Manager
Phone: (509)899-5449
e-mail: hafner<at>iris.edu