Thread: AGU session IN015: Cloud-based workflows for reproducible research and education in geoscience

Started: 2018-07-12 19:08:26
Last activity: 2018-07-12 19:08:26
Topics: AGU Meetings
*Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session - we are
looking for broad geoscience participation!Session IN015 title: Cloud-based
workflows for reproducible research and education in geoscienceThe growth
of commercial and public cloud computing, and associated services, are
enabling and demanding new approaches to executing geoscience. New
software frameworks are providing opportunities for reproducible science
where reproducibility has traditionally been difficult to impossible.
Recent funding to improve scientific efficiency has accelerated development
of tools to approach both commercial and publicly funded cloud computing.
Advanced scientific workflows that keep pace with evolving software
services are needed to ensure the geoscience community can realize
efficiency from the dynamic and scalable computing and storage offered by
cloud services.This session focuses on workflow development that supports
reproducible and scalable science, and science education, on cloud
computing platforms. It measures the maturity of cloud-based workflows
across geoscientific disciplines. Presentations focusing on methods that
are generic with respect to choice of cloud platform, enable
reproducibility, demonstrate scalable science, and harness the dynamic
nature of cloud computing are especially encouraged.*

Josh Hacker (Jupiter)
Carlos Maltzahn (UCSC)
Gretchen Mullendore (UND)
Kevin Tyle (UAlbany)

Josh Hacker

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