Thread: AGU Session DI016: Petrological and Thermal Structure of the Mantle from the Transition Zone to the CMB: Causes and Consequences of Phase Transitions

Started: 2018-07-17 03:22:48
Last activity: 2018-07-17 03:22:48
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the following session co-organized by the Seismology, Mineral and Rock Physics, Tectonophysics, and Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology sections at the upcoming 2018 AGU fall meeting:

DI016: Petrological and Thermal Structure of the Mantle from the Transition Zone to the CMB: Causes and Consequences of Phase Transitions

Session Description:
In the last few decades seismic observations have revealed the structure of the mantle in ever increasing richness. Mineral physics experiments and theory have been uncovering new phase transitions, characterizing changes in the valence and spin state of iron, and determining element partitioning behavior in mantle phases. Concurrently, advances in seismology and geodynamic modelling have been building a consistent picture of Earth in which mantle structures can be identified and their importance to mantle dynamics can be understood. We now have evidence of seismic structure that is consistent with thermodynamically controlled processes, thermal variations due to mantle convection and petrological variations possibly due to partial melting, primordial reservoirs, mantle segregation and recycling. We seek contributions in experimental, theoretical and observational fields, including seismology, petrology, mineral physics, geochemistry and geodynamics, which investigate the nature and role of phase transitions in the structure and dynamics of Earth's interior.

Natalia V. Solomatova (Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon)
Chris J. Grose (California Institute of Technology)
S. Shawn Wei (Michigan State University)
Carolina R Lithgow-Bertelloni (University of California Los Angeles)

Invited speakers:
Zhu Mao (University of Science and Technology of China)
Benoit Tauzin (Australian National University and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)

Abstract submission deadline:
Wednesday, August 1st, 2018 at 11:59 PM EDT

S. Shawn Wei, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Michigan State University

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