I have a question while rotating horizontal component with sac. We
can use "rotate to GCP" to rotate N E into R T comp,but how to rotate back
into N E components? Is there an easy way to do this?
thanks for your help.
Best wishes
I have a question while rotating horizontal component with sac. We
can use "rotate to GCP" to rotate N E into R T comp,but how to rotate back
into N E components? Is there an easy way to do this?
thanks for your help.
Best wishes
In the help command for rotate, there are options for rotating "to" and
"through" a fixed angle. It would be easy to write a macro that could
give you back the N and E components. I would do test cases to make sure
it works correctly for you.
Here is a macro I use to do the "normal" rotation:
r $1$.n $1$.e
rotate to gcp
write $1$.r $1$.t
r $1$.r
chnhdr kcmpnm "radial"
write over
r $1$.t
chnhdr kcmpnm "trnsvers"
write over
If it is named rotaate.m, one calls it for abc.n and abc.e using
SAC> m rotate.m abc
On Mon, 29 Jun 2009, weitao wang wrote:
I have a question while rotating horizontal component with sac. We can
use "rotate to GCP" to rotate N E into R T comp,but how to rotate back
into N E components? Is there an easy way to do this?