Thread: Sac files UNIX to Mac OS

Started: 2009-07-13 06:26:50
Last activity: 2009-07-15 21:59:12
Topics: SAC Help
Claudia Quinteros
2009-07-13 06:26:50


I used to use SAC in UNIX, but currently I have SAC for Mac OS.
I would like to read the files in SAC format but I don't know how to byteswap

Claudia Quinteros.


Claudia Quinteros
Ingeniera Geofísica
FUNVISIS - Fundación Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismológicas
Teléfonos: +58212 257-5153/7672/9346 Ext. 271
Fax: +58212 257-9977
Celular: +58412 737-6381

Este mensaje ha sido analizado por MailScanner
en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
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Fundación Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismológicas (FUNVISIS)

  • Marcelo Bianchi
    2009-07-13 16:49:23

    If you want I write a tool that do this job but I think that the new
    versions of the sac software could read both endianess. The software that I
    write can be obtained from:

    best regards,


    2009/7/12 CLAUDIA QUINTEROS <cquinteros<at>>


    I used to use SAC in UNIX, but currently I have SAC for Mac OS.
    I would like to read the files in SAC format but I don't know how to

    Claudia Quinteros.


    Claudia Quinteros
    Ingeniera Geofísica
    FUNVISIS - Fundación Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismológicas
    Teléfonos: +58212 257-5153/7672/9346 Ext. 271
    Fax: +58212 257-9977
    Celular: +58412 737-6381

    Este mensaje ha sido analizado por MailScanner
    en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
    y se considera que está limpio.
    Fundación Venezolana de Investigaciones Sismológicas (FUNVISIS)

    sac-help mailing list

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    • Arthur Snoke
      2009-07-13 17:21:52
      The LLNL/IRIS distribution of SAC can read SAC files in either endian. In
      addition, the distribution includes a utility program sacswap that can
      switch endians. The next distribution of SAC will also include a program
      that can swap the byte order of SGF files (plot files produced by SAC).

      • Igor Stubailo
        2009-07-15 21:59:12
        Dear SAC community,

        I would like to display a BAZ in the title of the plot but the number
        is somewhat hard to read and it takes too many characters to

        SAC> read /home/data/test.HHZ.sac
        SAC> ch evla 18 evlo 12 evdp 10 mag 8
        SAC> setbb baz &1,BAZ
        SAC> getbb baz
        baz = 6.559583e+01

        How do I display the number as 65.59 without going through the shell
        How would you do from within the SAC with a shell help?


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